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Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Jan 23, 2022, 22 tweets

Something not right with the Peace Movement .. so I was idly googling what PEACE might mean to satanists , as you do 🙄, when I stumbled down a rabbithole ..

A 1993 training manual from the US Dept of Justice - SATANIC CULT AWARENESS

> Dale Griffis , PhD - Tiffin, Ohio Police Department…

Dale Griffis was involved with The West Memphis Three Trials…

"Delving into matters of the occult took center stage with the calling of Dr. Dale Griffis, a "cult expert" from Ohio

Dr Frank Peretti was involved with the West Memphis 3 Trial too - he performed the autopsies

Peretti is from Little Rock, Arkansas.…
" most parishes that currently choose to send bodies out of state go through Little Rock.."

2002: "Why, almost 10 years after the West Memphis triple-murder investigation, is Prosecutor Brent Davis still trying to limit public discussion of the role that Dr. Peretti and the crime lab played in it?"…

So, I haven't followed the WM3 case but I think it might be important to record because I've noticed a theme reappearing atm ..

I'm aware of a similar thing due to happen in the UK in the near future ;)

satanic panic <=> false memory syndrome

[some scripts don't change]

One of these things is not like the others 🙃

Anyhoo, moving on...

Dr. Fahmy Malak - another medical examiner from Little Rock…
1992: Gov. Bill Clinton ..refused .. to dismiss Malak whose controversial decrees included a ruling that helped Clinton’s mother, a nurse-anesthetist, avoid scrutiny in the death of a patient ..

Fahmy Malak was also the medical examiner in the Kathy Ferguson "suicide" case…

"that incident occurred exactly one day before Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman met their grisly ends – an event which saturated the media.." 🤔

Hmm.. that's another mention of the OJ case

'False memory' expert for #OJ and #GhislaineMaxwell AND #HarveyWeinstein ?

Elizabeth Loftus > FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION (now dissolved)…

False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) founders - Peter J. Freyd - mathematician, professor at the University of Pennsylvania… and wife Pamela

Dr Harold Lief - board member, Penn professor & Pamela's psychiatrist…

FMSF Board: Martin T. Orne, a senior CIA researcher, & a psychiatrist at Penn U’s Experimental Psychiatry Lab in Philadelphia…

and wife Emily
> Unit for Experimental Psychiatry in Philly

Advisory Board Profiles :…

FMSF Founder Ralph Underwager , director of the Institute of Psychological Therapies in Minnesota, was forced to resign in 1993…

Involvement w/ Children of God cult…

Barbara Kaliher Canevaro, her daughter Claire & husband Emanuele Canevaro — 1973……

Victor Emanuele Canevaro… > Castello Canevaro, Poggio Secco

The Children of God (COG) eventually became The Family International…

2002 book " The Endtime Family: Children of God" by sociologist William Sims Bainbridge

most well known for his work on the sociology of religion…

Bainbridge is co-director of Cyber-Human Systems at the National Science Foundation (NSF)&

the first Senior Fellow to be appointed by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET)

in 1978, he published "Satan's Power" about the Process Church

Mihail Roco & Bainbridge wrote the book 'Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance' - 2003

President Clinton's Nanotechnology Initiative…

Roco proposed the initiative in a 1999 presentation to the White House


Now let's get #weird

Believe it or not, adrenochrome and adrenaline are used in the manufacture of nanoparticles, including nanovaccines

So,this happened at the end of WW2 :

"German scientists have discovered a drug called adrenochrome which is understood to be highly successful in the treatment of high blood pressure.A representative sample is being sent to George Washington University and Mount Sinai Hospital."

Its treatment for high blood pressure was the official reason to send samples to the US. The unofficial reason was its possible role in other health issues like schizophrenia

The adrenochrome hypothesis of schizophrenia
(Hoffer, Osmond and Smythies, 1954)…

Adrenochrome is on the Approved Drugs list >

Styptochrome - Dr. Reddy Laboratories Ltd, India…

> Bruce Carter > prev. Novo Nordisk

> Logo > Ptah

B4 I forget:

"we first publicly discussed our adrenochrome
hypothesis in 1952 before the Dementia Praecox
Committee of the Scottish Rites Masons in NY at their meeting in the Canada Room of the
Waldorg Astoria Hotel"…

CIA Drs…

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