Brett Ender 🥩⚡️ Profile picture
Cured an "incurable" autoimmune disease | Fixing the food system | Co-Founder @eatnobleorigins 🥩 Co-Host @themeatmafiapod 🎙️

Jan 24, 2022, 8 tweets


Here are my 5 favorite on the go-snacks & meals to support your animal-based lifestyle.

All satiating and delicious. 👇👇👇

1.The Fat Bomb Coffee:

This is an absolute staple in the morning. Great way to frontload fat and sustained energy until the PM.


1 Cup black coffee
1/2 TBSP MCT Oil
1 TBSP Grass-Fed Butter
1 Scoop Collagen creamer



Cal: 225 Fat: 25 Protein: 0

2. Mark Bell BONER Broth:

Learned this recipe from the legend @MarkSmellyBell.

Bone broth, eggs, grass-fed butter, S&P, blend.

Takes 5 minutes to prep. Satiating & tasty.

Throw in a travel mug and you are good to go.

Cal: 300 Fat: 21g Protein: 22g

3. EPIC Bison Cranberry Bar

Truly love @EPICbar and their mission. They practice regenerative agriculture and 100% of their meat is grass-fed.

The sweet & savory combo of the bison w/ dried cranberries is perfect.

Cal: 130 Fat: 8 Protein: 7g

4. Parm Crips

@clemenza should be sponsored by these guys. Delicious snack that gives you the crunch that you crave on low carb.

Incredible flavors too: Cheddar, Sour cream & Onion, etc.

These dipped in GUAC is also absurdly good.


Cal: 160 Fat: 11g Protein: 13g

5. Carnivore Aurelius Liver Crisps

@AlpacaAurelius's liver crisps exceed the hype. He has found a way to make liver taste absolutely delicious with just sea salt.

Pro tip: Try dipping these in GUAC.

Cal: 100 Fat: 2.5g Protein: 15g

I hope you enjoyed this thread! Please feel free to shoot me a follow for more Animal-based nutrition content.

DMs are also open if you have any questions.

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