Andrew—New YouTube Channel @LiveFromTheResistance Profile picture
Scholar and a Gentleman. Pro-Democracy. Anti-Fascism. Gay AF. Trump has never been legitimately elected. And neither has President @elonmusk. Fuck billionaires

Jan 25, 2022, 7 tweets

The right thinks Biden is “Temper Tantrum Joe” because he calmly & accurately described a man with no business being in the WH briefing room and whose job is solely to ask deliberately stupid questions? Sure guys. FYI this is what temper tantrums look like

Also important to note that calling a guy out who by every objective measure is a stupid son of a bitch is a far cry from demonizing the press as a whole, endorsing violence against them, teargassing them; and offering to pay legal fees for assaulting them

One of Trump’s most consistent themes as a candidate and as a “President” was his violent rhetoric toward the press, which is literally the only profession listed as protected under the First Amendment because it’s such a core part of democracy:

Many of these rallies had be cancelled due to fear of clashes between MAGA fanatics and protestors who Trump encouraged the vicious attack of without remorse or regard. “I promise you I will defend you in court.” He did not. The @GOP defended Trump, though

Trump: “You know what they used to do to a guy like that (black guy) when they were in a place like this (Klan rally)? They’d be carried out in a stretcher folks (if they weren’t shot, beaten to death, or lynched). Trump thinks these were the good ol days

Trump’s hateful rhetoric only intensified; as he refused to stop encouraging his supporters to instigate fights with his perceived enemies particularly those in the media. He also inspired waves of assaults against reporters & inspired the El Paso shooter

This is from his campaign, but who cares? This era will never be officially over until Trump is in jail, his family is in prison, his accomplices are losing their appeals for their consecutive life sentences to be cut short, the GOP and pandemic are over.

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