The right thinks Biden is “Temper Tantrum Joe” because he calmly & accurately described a man with no business being in the WH briefing room and whose job is solely to ask deliberately stupid questions? Sure guys. FYI this is what temper tantrums look like
Also important to note that calling a guy out who by every objective measure is a stupid son of a bitch is a far cry from demonizing the press as a whole, endorsing violence against them, teargassing them; and offering to pay legal fees for assaulting them
One of Trump’s most consistent themes as a candidate and as a “President” was his violent rhetoric toward the press, which is literally the only profession listed as protected under the First Amendment because it’s such a core part of democracy:
Many of these rallies had be cancelled due to fear of clashes between MAGA fanatics and protestors who Trump encouraged the vicious attack of without remorse or regard. “I promise you I will defend you in court.” He did not. The @GOP defended Trump, though
Trump: “You know what they used to do to a guy like that (black guy) when they were in a place like this (Klan rally)? They’d be carried out in a stretcher folks (if they weren’t shot, beaten to death, or lynched). Trump thinks these were the good ol days
Trump’s hateful rhetoric only intensified; as he refused to stop encouraging his supporters to instigate fights with his perceived enemies particularly those in the media. He also inspired waves of assaults against reporters & inspired the El Paso shooter
This is from his campaign, but who cares? This era will never be officially over until Trump is in jail, his family is in prison, his accomplices are losing their appeals for their consecutive life sentences to be cut short, the GOP and pandemic are over.
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Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor who ensures we are effectively cut off from any intelligence being shared with us from our allies. This means if an allied nation gets word about the next 9/11-level terrorist attack being planned against America, we will remain in the dark about it.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is also a traitor who doesn’t believe in science or vaccines. He will ensure that tens or hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans die preventable deaths from outbreaks of eradicated diseases like Measles and Polio and new ones like Bird Flu.
Sean Duffy is a traitor who has helped Trump and Musk gut the FAA, fire thousands of ATCs, and freeze hiring and funding for the TSA which ensures our safety during travel, resulting in plane crash after plane crash after plane crash; all of which he’s blamed on President Biden.
Professors William Baude & Michael Stokes Paulson (conservatives):
“Despite its long slumber, Section III of the 14th Amendment is alive and in force. It remains fully legally operative. It is constitutionally self-executing—that is, its command is automatically effective and…”
…directly enacted by the Constitution itself—and it is sweeping: It sweeps over earlier and inconsistent constitutional provisions. It sweeps in a broad range of conduct attacking the authority of the United States.”
“And it sweeps in a broad category of former oath-swearing officeholders turned insurrectionists or aiders and comforters of insurrection or rebellion. It is enforceable by anybody whose duties provide occasion for judging legal eligibility for office.”
I’ll explain this again just to get ahead of the MAGA outrage at my “lack of civility/tolerance for people with different political beliefs.” If you voted for Trump, you and I do not have “different political beliefs.” We are at opposite ends of the cosmos in terms of character.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for the nullification of my marriage by your corrupt court of illegitimate religious extremists who we all know isn’t done taking a sledgehammer to our fundamental freedoms and most cherished victories for equality and civil rights.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for mass deportations, which will destroy the nation; crater the economy; tear apart MILLIONS of families. I cannot be friends with someone who supports something so needless, racist, inhumane, unconstitutional, and un-American.
Here’s a Substack piece I wrote last September about how much the Republican Party DESPISES our nation’s military. And no one in the party has more contempt for the members of our armed forces than Donald Trump himself
They don’t refuse to admit it because they believe it’s true. They do it because fascists always try to create a world where there is no truth
So that people say “Well, Democrats and pundits say the election wasn’t stolen. But Republicans say that it was. I guess we can never truly know for sure one way or the other.”
Except THAT’S BULLSHIT. The 2020 election was NOT STOLEN. Trump LOST. And TRUTH MATTERS in a DEMOCRACY
One of the things that Jack Smith revealed in his most recent 165-page filing exposing the lengths that Trump went to to cling to power after losing in 2020 was that Trump said to family members:
“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose an election. What matters is that you fight.”