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The Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project (YSRP) works to keep children out of adult jails and prisons. Check out more at https://t.co/CNwJiJQcla

Jan 25, 2022, 8 tweets

On 1/25/16, Montgomery v. Louisiana held that Miller v. Alabama should apply retroactively, giving hundreds of Juvenile Lifers a new chance to seek freedom. In 6 years since the decision, hundreds have returned home to Philadelphia. Today, we’ll feature some #FacesOfMontgomery.

Mike says he is, “equally grateful to have my freedom as I am saddened that I left so many deserving men behind. I pray my comrades have an opportunity to experience the blessing of freedom once again!” He promises he’ll keep on “maximizing my awesome energy!” #FacesOfMontgomery

Dwight shares, “Since my release from prison, I have been living life in reflection and gratitude. I appreciate this opportunity.” He now lives by a mantra: “Don’t tell me who you are, because what you are speaks so loud that I can’t hear you anyway.” #FacesOfMontgomery

Jeff reports that he is “#Blessed and #Grateful.” More importantly, he is “Happy everyone is succeeding!” And, we’re happy for you, Jeff. Thanks for being part of this beautiful community. #FacesOfMontgomery

“On this freedom journey, many blessings and many obstacles have come my way. These obstacles teach lessons that will bring future successes. Thank God for all the freedom warriors who continue in their purpose to seek true justice.” - Michael #FacesOfMontgomery

Since his release, Luis has worked on @dbincarceration & #SuavePodcast w/ @futuromedia, reaching 42M listeners! He’s also COO of Paulino’s Workforce Development program, supporting returning citizens. "Suave" won’t forget he’s “more than my worst mistake.” #FacesOfMontgomery

“I met [YSRP Co-Directors] Lauren and Joanna on the same day. They were speaking my language: Freedom. I am out now because of [the whole team's] advocacy. Thank you so much!” - Smokey (pictured with Annie and Emily from YSRP). #FacesOfMontgomery

To close: We honor the lives lost before & since the decision, plus those who remain behind bars. We appreciate the two #FacesOfMontgomery on our team. And, we are grateful to the man who made it possible, Mr. Montgomery, enjoying this anniversary on the outside for the 1st time.

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