Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Jan 26, 2022, 9 tweets

@MonicaGandhi9 @drlucymcbride @TracyBethHoeg

Kudos for finally showing your cards as antimaskers.

And showing us that if we too lived in Marin County, CA, we could have HEPA's in every class, 98% vaccination, and make $170,000/ year.

But we live in Birmingham, AL.

Or towns like Birmingham with people that normally would hang on to your every word.

But now, where "the staffing shortages left classrooms without teachers. Schools were without essential staff such as child nutrition workers to serve meals and custodians to clean buildings"

Lol...the ad link below is to another story, "Who's really learning? 1 in 3 Alabama students sent home."

Anyway, teachers have only 5 students showing up.

That's our normal.

Teacher union is going to go on a sick-out. Is it normal that no one will even notice?

But you know what? Parents actually support the teachers there 👇👇. Guess they are getting tired of your bullshit.

@SecCardona ...the tide has shifted.

The Superintendent tried the usual shining faces line.

Used to be that 'Bama papers run Trump red.

Not when it comes to schools. Not anymore.

There has been a narrative shift.

I found something tremendously heartening in this article.

'Bama is about as backward as it comes to education.

But they are talking about PPE AND VENTILATION!


Hot damn!!

@LongDesertTrain @Loretta_Torrago @wexlerwriting

The battle's not over, but 😀!

BTW....they have a live stream, @MonicaGandhi9 @TracyBethHoeg @drlucymcbride

You should call the school and ask to speak.

I would LOVE to hear their reaction to you Yankees coming in with your ginned up data.…

Bless your hearts....

Unlike them, I speak from the heart, and do not lie with data.

Or sources:…

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