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Jan 26, 2022, 10 tweets

πŸ”΄ Boris Johnson faces a #PMQs grilling as the #SueGrayReport looms

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Boris Johnson is asked by Kate Osamor if he agreed with Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, writing off Β£4.3 billion of fraud.

"No of course not Mr Speaker, but we do not support fraudsters or those who steal from the public purse," the PM says


πŸ”΄Sir Starmer says: "The Ministerial Code says ministers who mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation. Does he believe it applies to him?"

The PM says the code does apply to him but notes that he can't comment on the investigation…

"Since he acknowledged the Ministerial Code applies to him, will he now resign?" Sir Keir asks of Boris Johnson

"No," responds the PM


πŸ—£οΈ'We've discovered the real Captain Hindsight' quips Sir Keir Starmer

"Does the Prime Minister really not understand the damage his behaviour is doing to our country?"


πŸ”΄Boris Johnson brings up Ukraine in response to 'Partygate' question at #PMQs

"It's almost as though he was ignorance of the fact we have a crisis on the borders of Ukraine" the PM says to Sir Keir Starmer…

❓"Can the Prime Minister confirm he will publish the full Sue Gray report as he receives it?" asks Sir Keir Starmer

Mr Johnson calls to "leave the report to the independent investigator

"When I receive it I will do exactly what I said"


πŸ”΄Sir Keir Starmer tells Boris Johnson: "The police say the evidence meets the test, frankly the public have made up their minds, they know he's not fit for the job"


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Sir Keir Starmer brands Boris Johnson "unable to lead the country, incapable of doing the right thing."

πŸ—£οΈBoris Johnson's response is: "He wants me out of the way because he knows this Government can be trusted to deliver"…

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