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Jan 26, 2022, 6 tweets

Are people still on Facebook? Do you need to be on TikTok? And which social network gets small businesses the most engagements? 🤔

We answer all these questions (and more!) in our #Digital2022 report—which just launched. Here’s our favorite stats to get you started:


For all the talk about Facebook’s growth slowing, they’re actually… still growing!

The world’s largest social network grew 6.2% to 2.9 billion active users, who average 12 ad clicks per month. That’s 35 billion ad clicks, every single month.

Not too shabby, huh? #Digital2022

Facebook wins on a scale, but Instagram wins on engagement—especially for small brands 🙌

Brands with less than 10,000 followers get a 2.01% engagement rate on Instagram, compared to just 0.27% on Facebook

If you haven’t got on IG yet, this is your cue #Digital2022

TikTok’s growing fast, but it’s not the only way to reach Gen Z

Most young adults pick Instagram as their favorite social network, and you can reach 84% of them on Facebook, too!

Focus on the platforms you’ve mastered—or dance your way to fame! Both can work 💃🏻 #Digital2022

Brands are betting big on social advertising 💸

Social’s business value is beyond dispute, and social advertising now makes up 33.1% of digital advertising budgets.

So try boosting an ad, if you haven’t already. (We’re biased, but it really does work!) #Digital2022

Ready for next-level digital stats? Read our #Digital2022 report for even more global insights ➡️ ow.ly/ypKQ30s8Bb9

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