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Tweets are based on my own research. You DYOR.

Jan 27, 2022, 10 tweets

1/10 Diving into some of the best strategies for the great @chikn_nft game on the #Avalanche blockchain. I'm focusing on the "Chikn lays egg" play which is the only feature available in the Eggosystem atm. None of this is financial advice.

2/10 CONTEXT. I should note that there is a complex #GameFI experience under development, where coq rarity comes into play and roostrs will be minted, but it's too early and there is insufficient information available to think of strategies for that kind of stuff yet.

3/10 RULES. Briefly on the rules of the game: every roosted #chikn lays $egg, biggr chikn lay more egg than smol chikn and every time a chikn grows a kg, it lays 0.25 more egg per day. Chikn are fed #feed to grow in kg (killagainz) so it is up to you how heavy you want your chikn

4/10 STRATEGIES. All of the strategies below are thought as ways to play the game. By these strategies, I assumed that you already own (at least) a chikn, but none of this has anything to do with recovering your investment and should not be seen as a form of financial advice.

Chikn lays egg -> add egg in the $EGG- $AVAX LP on @traderjoe_xyz -> profit. At the time of writing, this grants you farm rewards of 389% APR ( $JOE and $FEED). You can compound your rewards on @snowballdefi for a crazy 3115% APY.

Chikn lays egg -> stake egg -> earn feed -> add feed in the $FEED- $AVAX LP on @pangolindex -> profit. At the time of writing, this grants you farm rewards of 699% APR ( $PNG and $FEED).

7/10 You'll be comfortable doing both Strategy 1 and 2 if you come from the DeFi space, however be aware of the impermanent loss risks.

Chikn lays egg -> stake egg -> earn feed -> feed your chikn into biggr chikn. This is the classic strategy of the game; I consider this to be the most sustainable for the growth of the eggosystem and, at the time of writing, seems to be the best choice.

Chikn lays egg -> sell egg -> buy more chikn.
This strategy is helpful if: (i) you're new to the game; and (ii) you have some spare $AVAX. You need to have as heavy a barn as possible by the time the $FEED supply runs out and this helps catch up with the game.

10/10 END. There are lots of other strategies out there, but I'll limit this thread to those 4. I'd recommend you to read the community resources available on the Discord channel at: discord.gg/2x4bnfqs

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