Finbarr Bermingham Profile picture
Irish journalist in Brussels. Europe Correspondent, @SCMPnews. Covering Europe's relationship with China. Fermanagh man. Views are my own.

Jan 28, 2022, 7 tweets

German far right MEP @KrahMax gave an interview to Chinese state news portal, a few excerpts below, run through translate.

The broad takeaway, "the more liberal a party is in the sense of “woke”, the more it is anti-China."…

On "woke" politics and the deterioration in Western-Chinese relations...

On the CAI and complaints over perceived US hijacking of the investment deal

"When the United States competes with China and Russia, it needs Europe to be its sidekick, so the Americans have mobilized their own network of relationships."

On strategic autonomy...

"They talk about strategic autonomy only when a non-white*-left president, Donald Trump, is in the White House"

This term white-left keeps popping up on translate, referring to "woke left liberals" it seems

On Tibet

"I have seen in Lhasa and other parts of Tibet that the Chinese government invests heavily in improving people's lives and preserving local traditional culture."

On whether Chinese and Western cultures need to "reconcile".

"I know that you are studying the theory of the great German jurist Karl Schmidt. In my opinion, studying his point of view will lead you to the correct conclusion"

The Chinese mission to the EU shared this interview on their weekly newsletter.

Would have to feel a little worried for whoever spelled Xi Jinping's name wrong in the same edition

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