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Dissecting #SocialEngineering since the class of 1999. Affordable Sirius23 Channeling and Glowie Mediation. Monarch Institute.…

Jan 29, 2022, 38 tweets

That's wicked & unreal:

Furry 'Chise' (@sailorrooscout) co-developed @Moderna's leaky mRNA-jab.

Pharma utilizes this 'fursona' for subliminal Immunomythology-messaging via social media.

[thx 2 Anon Frens]

Furry @sailorrooscout, co-developer of @moderna_tx's mRNA-jab is also @HMHowlFest-'chair':
➙For all ages
➙Private campground
➙Kids>16⇢parental supervision
➙<10 pm bondage-gear granted
➙No 'proshipping'

"A Furry co-developed @moderna_tx?
Never, Chise is only a paid pharma-shill."

@andrew_croxford crediting @sailorrooscout in Feb 2021:

"You see this, @sailorrooscout?!
Your jab is doing the job. [.] your state!"

Tweet was deleted, here's the archive:

The Insta-Block by Chise was expected at this point. Bizzare pharma rabbit hole-adventures on Twitter are always accompanied with cat & mouse games.

Yet: 2 more confirmations of Chise's trailing role in @moderna_tx's mRNA-1273-jab.

After a night of research & head-scatterings: Let's continue with the Furry Chise-#PsyOp: US Navy Seals, 77th, DARPA, Gates/Open Society seek gaps-fillings of the cliffhangers.
They enjoy my dissections too I guess:
Artist & 5/9/14👁️s Love/HateRelationship

Interim WrapUp: Bizarre posts by 'Fellow Anon Frens' concluded: Co-developer of @moderna_tx's jab is a.k.a. the pro-vax influencer #Furry Chise (@sailorrooscout).
Confirmations (even by Chise): Indeed Moderna connected.
(Credits where they belong, I'm not your classical 'pajeet')


Chise=@HMHowlFest's chair:
⇢All-Ages Con
⇢Laidback bondage-gear-rules after 10pm

'Furry Culture'-boards unveil:
⇢Chise featured @DenFurCO'22
⇢Chise's standing & #Furry-Cons⇢Sketchy Biz

This's a trainwreck:
Fringe-Fetishes & Pro-#BigPharma mRNA-shilling;
Chise mainly shills @moderna_tx/@pfizer.

'Furry Drama'-Threads leak:
Cons might be 'hunting grounds';
Chise & husband are rumored to be grooming kids

After my 1st tweet of this thread, @sailorrooscout blocked me & strangely also deleted 'Chair of @HMHowlFest' in the Twitter-bio.

Why would Furry Chise do that?

In 2020 "HMHF" was even part of her username.

Also Dr. @andrew_croxford blocked me after my 3rd tweet of this thread: His tweet-confirmation in 2021 of Chise's @Moderna-jab affiliation. He had deleted the tweet (found in web-archive again).

He then also changed his profile pic quickly. #SNAFU

Let's investigate this later.

It's time to try to reveal who Chise might really be, whether the @moderna_tx mRNA-jab co-development claims are true.
Chise shills dangerous ignorance on social media, misleads a very young target audience into taking Big Pharma-positions with unforeseen long-term consequences.

In MSM Furry Chise has already dropped her alleged name, I censored the hint initially in my first tweet, it's a lie:

"Dr. Chise Broussard, a molecular biologist specializing in viral pathogenesis and host immunity at @moderna_tx"…

Chise's Youtube Channel with the username "bbroussard1103" shows 10k Subscribers, but no videos. Notice here the "b" before "broussard".

Internet Archive: Chise's old video-content can be found, cringe furry suits unboxing-movies.…

I searched for 'Fursona' by Chise's username @sailorrooscout:

This slang's used by Chise in one of her interviews:

That's how I found Chise's old username: @FenHeartsWM

and Chise's 1st Fursona: 'stardust'

The Twitter-search for '(@FenHeartsWM)' revealed Chise's older mentions & tweets, listed here by 'latest':

@KrAzOn89 posted in 2018 a pic of Chise's marriage with her husband 'Kava', a.k.a '@darkroastyeen':

Meanwhile: Account set to private, Chise is mobilizing her mass-reporting troll-army.

Important: This is all publicly available info, simple Twitter (& Google)-searches to evaluate Chise's (scientific) credibility & her publications. Substack will follow.

The army is currently mobilized to mass-report my profile by Epidemiologist @kallmemeg, with 58k Followers.

Here is the mass-reporting tweet link:


Meanwhile more fake info by @kallmemeg: Nothing in the thread's "private", all public info, a simple Twitter/Google search.
Her name "Chise Broussard" is mentioned in NationalGeo by Chise herself, it's fake.

Meanwhile a "77th" account has noticed that @kallmemeg has 'doxxed' @sailorrooscout-as they call publicly available info like Twitter Search now-herself.

"77th" (@Dement0r) account profile pic reads "United Kingdom Special Forces".

Why's Chise (@sailorrooscout) @BritishArmy/77th-realm?

Why's an alleged @moderna_tx-jab co-dev & Disinfo-Furry protected by "UK Special Forces for Psychological Warfare" (@Dement0r)?

Why do they commuicate with @kallmemeg?

@USNavy involved?

We'll try to illuminate above questions later, also dive deeper into the twisted Furry-Culture & Furry-Cons even more.
Gentle Reminder: Target audience 1st grade kids+.
Meanwhile @sailorrooscout's husband @darkroastyeen blocked me:

Meanwhile: @kallmemeg had to remove her tweet.
It's @sailorrooscout's (& 77th) responsibility to determine which info's publicly available, especially as Pharma-Furry giving medical advices. Goal's still: Evaluate her (scientific) credibility & whether she's a Moderna jab-co dev.

Husband @darkroastyeen restricted his account.
Let's Google:

2nd hit:
Wedding-preperation pic w/ Chise, it reads:
"Welcome to the wedding of Brett & Caleb"

The forename in @NatGeo is fake, no publication w/ Chise Broussard exists.

Is @FenHeartsWM really Chise's old Twitter username?


Google leads us to tumblrs, showing @darkroastyeen's fursuit, her old username is linked as RT, also a Twitter-short URL leads to a confirmation by @sailorrooscout herself.

Neither 'Caleb' nor 'Brett' Broussard ever published a science-paper.

@sailorrooscout's husband @darkroastyeen-retweets:
@FurFest (Midwest FurFest) announces speaker Chise:,

"vax researcher w/ 10 yrs of XP"

'Midwest FurFest' & 'Chise' (@sailorrooscout)?
Let me Google that for you:

1st hit is Chise's Midwest FurFest public profile.

To say that the URL is hyper-interesting (red frame) is an understatement, narrows everything down to 1.

There's no science-paper pubished with 'Brett Broussard' as (co-) author affiliated to @moderna_tx, mRNA-1237 or @NIH. Nowhere.

NIH? Doesn't Chise mention NIH/@NIAIDCareers herself on her public timeline?

Easy Twitter Search:
'NIH (from:sailorrooscout)'

VRC by @NIH was built by Clark Construction.
Director: @jrmascola
Deputy Director, Vaccine Research Center (VRC), Viral Pathogenesis: @BarneyGrahamMD……

Are they aware of Chise's (@sailorrooscout) impostorship?

.@NIH VCR is co-dev of @moderna_tx's mRNA-1237 via @BarneyGrahamMD, Deputy Dir./Viral Pathogenesis Lab:
@BarneyGrahamMD never published with an (co-) author 'Broussard'
⇢No Scientist 'Broussard' in any department
⇢No @NIHFunding…

The only listed scientist/author "Broussard" @NCBI who would be eligible only by following the author's name is neither affiliated with @NIH's Vaccine Research Center, nor is HE researching in the fields of Vaccinology, Virology, Immunology or any related field to Vax Production.


Is "Furry Chise" Senior Scientist/Vaccinologist, Molecular Biologist, Immunologist @NIH - or a LARP?

1st Hit

Result @sailorrooscout is a LARP!
⇢Not Senior Scientist:
⇢Maybe outsourced Lab Assistant/Tech-Contractor

Wrap Up #1:

Furry Chise (@sailorrooscout) is a complete fraud, with fake titles - false scientific credibility is asserted. Neither is she a senior scientist, nor a PhD, never published anything. She has no medical license justifying medical advices for all ages on social media.

Wrap Up #2:
In the name of the faculties @NIH/@NIAIDCareers the false appearance's given that Chise's a well published vaccinologist, molecular biologist or immunologist. A gigantic fraud: Rather internal info's freely interpreted as LARP, sold as top notch science to the masses.

I wonder if @BarneyGrahamMD'd approve such a flimsy public outreach & credibility-fraud. I won't assume that he might be even aware of this dangerous half-knowledge social media-waste that's especialy targeting kids. Is @sailorrooscout an official item in the PR-budget?

Here my thread would normally come to an end, but...
Chise is not only a simple science-credibility pharma-fraud: I would have assumed "well, a Big Pharma-shill", but then there were these encounters of the 3rd kind with 77th Brigade, protecting the Furry.

Only croc-tears left for Chise (@sailorrooscout), her fake science credibility-fraud exposed by her own public social media-posts.

@inputmag's author of the Chise (PR)-story won't correct his shady piece, which implied the false links.


Meanwhile: Furry Chise (@sailorrooscout) is protected by 77th Brigade/@BritishArmy. I bulk-blocked them (, starting point was the followership of @Dement0r. Still non-stop reported by them, @TwitterSupport has been very fair so far.

Brett's still shitposting.

Core question remains unanswered:
Why're @USNavy & @BritishArmy involved in this Fake Shitshow?

@moderna_tx's @DARPA's kid. Hence, marketing strategy overlaps with Psychological Warfare.

Furry POC Party '22

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