Wesley Kress, MBA, MSOM 🟥 ⚡️ Profile picture
CEO Breakthrough Performance/Rehab. Ex-Banking Professor 20YRS+ Financial Mkts. Independent ✊🏼 #Crypto Analyst & Educator. Full Coverage $SAITO 🟥 $EGLD ⚡️

Jan 29, 2022, 8 tweets

1/In early stage TECH, many aspects R highly stigmatized early on due to them not being normalized from a collective social construct. Shame & being perceived as “stupid” often times gives people a reason to look for every reason they could be wrong rather $eGLD $CEL $SAITO #NFTs

2/than intelligently looking at the totality of the market & 🌎 at large. The people who are choosing a different way because certain human needs are not being met. Incumbents from existing industry often stoke the flames of these fears of self shame, fear of looking stupid &

3/ play the role of hero of savior & drive large followings due to often times irrational early stages of excitement that bring ideas that may not exactly have lasting power as reason or justifications of the technological eventual demise. This leaves many in a state of confusion

4/ & a major reason why many people have choose to focus on #Crypto even though they have zero investment or interest because the market is interested & engaged. They point to many elements that seem illogical but their logic is typically predicated around the normalcy of these

5/ elements, accepted social constructs. It’s fascinating because the ego is what is blinding these people yet they feel safe by it, clinging on to what is. The need to be accepted & show others are insane is typically applauded. In fact in the early stages more people will look

6/ for reasons why others are insane because of intrinsic psychological mechanisms. 1. Humans want to be accepted & not ostracized, historically this could leave us dead 2. Humans hate change because it could mean a threat to their survival, no matter what the change ends up

7/ culminating too…. Positive or negative. All change has both, intended & unintended consequences. If there is one force that is unstoppable, it’s change. Yet, humans, even those highly intellectually intelligent, typically lack many core elements of deep understanding

8/ emotional intelligence & human needs. Ability to see what is & not what we want or cling to certainty is a key factor of becoming successful. This requires humility, open mindedness, skepticism & courage to not operate off these mental deceptive filters intrinsic in all of us.

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