@ZhiZhu@newsie.social🌻 Profile picture
"All mimsy were the borogoves..." avid reader, occasional world traveler, Mastodon/Fediverse acct: @ZhiZhu@newsie.social

Jan 30, 2022, 8 tweets

"The two-pronged fight captures how aggressively Republicans are moving to entrench their current advantages...

Voting laws are intended to reconfigure the composition of today’s electorate; the teaching bans aim to shape the attitudes of tomorrow’s."


"The school proposals are not only surfacing in more states, but also increasing in their breadth."


"The singer and activist John Legend previewed another response when he tweeted, “Black parents need to flood these tip lines with complaints about our history being silenced. We are parents too.”"


"Yet even as the nation’s public-school student body tilts more heavily toward kids of color, the principal advocates of these laws almost everywhere have been conservative white parents and legislators."


"It found that districts where the white share of students had significantly declined were more than three times as likely as districts with stable demographics to face public backlash over the teaching of race."

#racism #education

"The current wave of race-related proposals could become the most intrusive and expansive restrictions on classroom instruction since the spate of 1920s laws that banned the teaching of evolution."


"At another moment of rapid cultural and demographic change, it’s easy to see the same dual goals in today’s red-state movement to limit discussion of racism."


"these educational constraints serve the same goal as the voting restrictions: deferring a shift in power... from the mostly white and nonurban Republican coalition that now controls these states toward a more diverse electorate"

#racism #education

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