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Billy Bostickson is your Friend PR Secretary Rage University Coordinator of DRASTIC at

Jan 30, 2022, 6 tweets

1. Any electricians off duty today?

This is a diagram of a lightning protection for power supply device/patent.

Acronyms correct?

TVS Transient-voltage suppressor
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor
GDT Gas Discharge Tube
Fu1-Fu3 main protection fuses
L1, L2, L3, L4 decoupling components

2. Acronyms?

PE = Protective Earth (equipment side earth)
Lin = live in
Lout = live out
Nin = neutral in
Nout = neutral out

Any issues or potential problems with such a circuit?

Will TVS fail catastrophically if high voltage (via lightning) lasts for even a few seconds?

3. Fracturing or Fire damage to MOVs?

1. MOVs are prone to catching fire in cases of extended current surges.

2. How many surges can they handle?

Seems that No one knows until failure occurs, right?

Case in China (multiple return lightning strokes)

" multipulse lightning surge is often the driver for the temperature rise since it causes energy to accumulate in the MOV due to its long thermal time constant..leading thermal damage & cracking"…

5. Question about GDTs (Gas Discharge Tubes)

"GDTs can be damaged by extreme exposure to lightning. The typical failure mode is an increase in voltage at which the GDT conducts (or protects), or complete catastrophic failure for severe exposures"…

6. Last Question

Will this device/patent definitely protect sensitive electronic devices against overvoltage transients in normal mains voltage and repeated nearby lightning strike overload/ short circuit events?

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