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Jan 31, 2022, 27 tweets

#EconomicSurvey2022 #UnionBudget2022

Changing mix of stimulus measures by government.

#EconomicSurvey2022 #UnionBudget

Direct and indirect tax revenue trends

#EconomicSurvey2022 #UnionBudget

GST average collection improves

#EconomicSurvey #UnionBudget

Government expenditure trend

#EconomicSurvey #UnionBudget

Increase in government capital expenditure skewed towards roads, highways...

#EconomicSurvey #Budget2022

India's fiscal deficit trends

#EconomicSurvey2022 #Budget2022

Government debt-to-GDP ratio (centre only)

#EconomicSurvey #BudgetSession

How states are faring on debt and deficit..

Rising imports

#EconomicSurvey #Budget2022

FDI & FPI trends...

#EconomicSurvey #UnionBudget2022

Bank credit picking up...

#EconomicSurvey #Budget2022

Inflation in India

#EconomicSurvey2022 #BudgetSession

Tamatar inflation. Seasonal. 🍅🍅🍅

#BudgetSession #EconomicSurvey2022

States: sustainability efforts
Kerala leads....

#EconomicSurvey #BudgetSession

Interesting chart on state ground water resources...

#EconomicSurvey #BudgetSession

Avg. monthly income per agricultural household = Rs 10,218

Avg. monthly income per agricultural household = Rs 6,426

#EconomicSurvey2022 #UnionBudget2022

Share of industry in GVA...static.

#EconomicSurvey #Budget2022

FDI in manufacturing 👎

#EconomicSurvey #Budget2022

As an aside....over capacity in India's port sector?

#Budget2022 #EconomicSurvey2022

Renewable energy
A fifth of the installed capacity
A tenth of generation

#EconomicSurvey2022 #BudgetSession2022

Average pendency in patent grants.

#EconomicSurvey #BudgetSession2022

Tracking India's development...
Highways 2011 vs 2021

#EconomicSurvey2022 #Budget2022

Tracking India's development...
Operationalised Airports 2016 vs 2021

To be clear, these charts/maps are all from the Economic Survey - courtesy GoI.

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