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Omna Tigray is a nonprofit focused on educated advocacy + economic development. Join our global movement to stop the genocidal war on Tigray.

Jan 31, 2022, 10 tweets

As Jan. 2022 draws to a close, we focus on the #Irob minority of #Tigray. Jan. 7 was the 1️⃣ year anniversary of the #IrobMassacre by πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡· forces in which at least 72 people were killed as they celebrated Christmas.

More on the massacre while under πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡· occupation since Nov. 2020πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

Without electricity, telecommunication services, the internet & access to most of the district, Irob remains largely cut off from the rest of the world. But we know the #Irob continue to face an existential threat under #Eritrea|n occupation.Β 
#IrobMassacre #AllowAccessToTigray

We honor all the victims of the #IrobMassacre, known and yet to be accounted for. We also honor and remember those who were kidnapped during #Eritrea’s last occupation of #Irob (1998-2000) who are never forgotten.

Among those who perished during the Christmas #IrobMassacre are members of a nationally-recognized volleyball team–most of whom were members of one family. One team member, Kaleb, survived to tell the horrifying tale through his brother Yonas.

β€œThe current war is very different from the 1998-2000 war. Then, we knew the govt. cared for us. There were places we could flee to, in #Tigray that had not been occupied by πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡·. [...] It is πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή troops who are standing by while our people are massacred, raped & our homes looted.”

"…My daughter ran to hide in the cave and she survived. But my son, my son was caught at the funeral home. They killed him there. There were 6 more people killed with him. They killed them all.… He was just a student. 17 years of age.” #IrobMassacre #TigrayGenocide

β€œPaulos Abraha is a resident of Gamada village in Irob. He was one those dictator #IsaiasAfwerki πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡· forces marched bare foot on a hot day, their hands and legs tied up, a long way to the running river shown to be massacred.” #IrobMassacre #TigrayGenocide

β€œI lost my husband. It was in Kallassa. I was pregnant at the time. It was a horrible situation. It’s a different kind of sorrow.” β€” Merhawit, daughter of an abductee during the 1998-2000 πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή-πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡· border war & survivor of the #IrobMassacre & #TigrayGenocide

The longer the #Irob remain under πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡· occupation, the more they face an existential threat. Thus, we call on the Int'l comm. to ensure the immediate, internationally monitored & verifiable withdrawal of #Eritrea|n forces from #Irob & all invading forces from the rest of #Tigray.

Visit & to learn more about the plight of #Tigray, its #Irob minority & how you can help!

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