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Feb 1, 2022, 7 tweets

[Thread] 1. Nationally, SA has exited the 4th (#Omicron) #COVID19 wave, says @PresidencyZA. What are the implications? [next tweet]

2. New rules for isolation:

 1. Those who test + for #COVID19 with no symptoms = no isolation  
2. If you test + with symptoms: isolate for 7 days (down from 10 days)
3.  Contacts (people a + person were in touch with) don't have to isolate unless they develop symptoms

3. Why are there new isolation rules?

@PresidencyZA says it's because:

1. SA has excited the 4th wave
2. 60-80% of SAs have #COVID19 antibodies because of vaccination (46.5% of adults = vaccinated with 1 shot) or previous (natural) infection

4. Is this the 1st time SA has announced new isolation rules?

No. On 24 Dec @heatlhza issued similar guidelines:

But these were retracted on 28 Dec to get more input:

5. So what's different this time around?

In the old guidelines people with #COCIVD19 symptoms had to isolate for 8 days (that's now down to 7 days)

6. What's changing in schools?

1. "School shifts" for learners will end, so all learners can go to school each day and not in groups to provide space for social distancing
2. Social distancing of 1 meters = removed

7. How did the old rules (having to attend school in shifts) impact schools?

School drop outs increased significantly — particularly in poorer schools that had no choice be to create "school shifts" because of lack of space. More here:


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