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Feb 2, 2022, 9 tweets

FUN FACTS about Karl McCartney (a job at GB "News" surely beckons):

In 2013, Karl apologised to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) for the content of notes he had sent to staff, described by IPSA Chief Executive as 'abusive', 'offensive' & 'condescending'.

Damaged reactionary culture war dinosaur Karl McCartney predictably opposed same-sex marriage, arguing in a 2012 reply to a constituent's letter on the matter that he felt it would next lead to "multi-partnership marriages... [and] a reduction in the age of permitted marriage".

Following a 2020 report into connections between colonialism & @nationaltrust properties, Karl signed a letter to The Telegraph from the "Common Sense Group" which mobilised the antisemitic conspiracy theory of 'cultural Marxism' that inspired far-right terrorist Anders Breivik.

In November 2014, Karl complained to Twitter about its "security changes" after some, er 'confusion': Karl denied claims of "favouriting" a pornographic image on Twitter, & claimed he never used the "favourite" function on the social networking site. 😬

In 2015, a fellow Tory & Lincoln County Cllr compared the selection of a female Labour candidate to a picture of a group of glamour models in their underwear & sent it to Karl. Karl said “those with a sense of humour will appreciate" it, & people should “get over themselves”.

In January 2021, Karl was given a formal warning by a legal watchdog the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office after he highlighted his position as a magistrate in an election leaflet - apparently it was not naughty boy Karl's first sanction for doing so.

And in July last year, it was widely reported that Karl was under investigation by the Parliament's sleaze watchdog after an Insider investigation revealed that he had made false declarations for more than a decade about his links to a family firm.…

Just yesterday, Karl - one of Boris Johnson's most vocal, obsequious & sycophantic supporters - claimed the media were “flogging a dead horse” by continuing to report on the multiple breaches of lockdown rules at No 10 & the failure of leadership mentioned in the #SueGrayReport.

Karl predicted Greater Lincolnshire could become a unitary authority “very soon”, with a central mayor - “I’m saying wake up & smell the coffee Lincolnshire, we’re going to have a mayor!”

Today, it was announced Lincolnshire has NOT been shortlisted. 🤡…

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