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Feb 3, 2022, 13 tweets

Covid-19 has exposed the limits of the public health status quo – but what should come next?
Delighted to host this #RSPHSparksDebates event #ReimaginingPublicHealth alongside

5 key learnings from the pandemic are:
✔️The virus continues to circulate
✔️It impacts on all sectors
✔️Decisions require explicit trade offs
✔️Collective responses are powerful and needed
✔️Public health vital for societies and economies
says @davidnabarro #RSPHSparksDebates

We need bold system leadership to meet the demands to address the public health challenges today and in the future says @davidnabarro #RSPHSparksDebates #ReimaginingPublicHealth

There is still time to join the Q&A session with @davidnabarro and hear from our other speakers @cthomasippr @AlisonDDCox @JyotsnaVohra @JonAshworth #RSPHSparksDebates #ReimaginingPublicHealth

Inequalities make people sick. This reality needs to underpin new demands - not just to maintain the Bevanite principles that underpin our NHS, but to expand and spread them to our wider welfare state, economy and public health too, says @cthomasippr #RSPHSparksDebates

We need a new deal for public health says @cthomasippr #ReimaginingPublicHealth #RSPHSparksDebates

@cthomasippr "There is no bigger inequality than knowing you will die sooner because you are poor" says @JonAshworth #RSPHSparksDebates #ReimaginingPublicHealth

@cthomasippr @JonAshworth We need health in all policies approach to respond to health inequalities driven by deep routed inequalities and improve health and wellbeing across the country, says @JonAshworth #RSPHSparksDebates #ReimaginingPublicHealth

#ReimaginingPublicHealth requires us to respond to the greatest challenges both nationally and globally, and the single biggest health threat facing humanity is #climatechange, says @AlisonDDCox #RSPHSparksDebates

Governments must actively intervene to support the redesign of transport systems, cities, production and distribution of food, markets for financial investments, and health systems. Such transformation could realise vast health benefits, says @AlisonDDCox #RSPHSparksDebates

COVID has reflected and exacerbated the inequalities in our society, now is the time to build a path to a fairer future if we want it, says @JyotsnaVohra #RSPHSparksDebates #ReimaginingPublicHealth

"#LevellingUp requires:
1. Improved quality of life and life expectancy for everyone.
2: Healthier environments that support healthy life.
3: Equity across all demographics.
4: Greater investment in public health." says @JyotsnaVohra #RSPHSparksDebates

NHS has been a largely reactive service to ensure universal access. To truly be a health service it needs to evolve and be more proactive and focused on prevention. Will the pandemic be enough of a catalyst to usher in a change in focus?

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