Rupa Subramanya Profile picture
@TheFP .Former columnist @nationalpost Email:

Feb 3, 2022, 6 tweets

Just returned from a perilous excursion into the Ottawa badlands. It was tough but the world needs to see these disturbing visuals of “mercenaries” at ground zero. These “occupying forces” continue to threaten civilization as we know it. #FreedomConvoy

This particularly brazen “mercenary” was offering hugs to anyone passing by. Some innocent bystanders were entrapped by this snare. Terrifying.

More disturbing scenes….

I also witnessed some dancing to that classic song with charged lyrics used by all “occupying forces” everywhere “The Macarena”. Ridiculous.

Rations are low at home so I had no choice but to venture out into the Ottawa badlands again. Here at my neighbourhood pub which is busy. Brave souls are feeding me while the world outside is imperilled by mercenaries and dark forces.

Finally home after another visit to the badlands but not before I was subjected to this barbaric ritual which involved dancing to Conga by Gloria Estefan. Kids were dancing too. As everyone knows Conga features offensive lyrics like “Come on, shake your body, baby”. 😱

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