Just returned from a perilous excursion into the Ottawa badlands. It was tough but the world needs to see these disturbing visuals of “mercenaries” at ground zero. These “occupying forces” continue to threaten civilization as we know it. #FreedomConvoy
This particularly brazen “mercenary” was offering hugs to anyone passing by. Some innocent bystanders were entrapped by this snare. Terrifying.
More disturbing scenes….
I also witnessed some dancing to that classic song with charged lyrics used by all “occupying forces” everywhere “The Macarena”. Ridiculous.
Rations are low at home so I had no choice but to venture out into the Ottawa badlands again. Here at my neighbourhood pub which is busy. Brave souls are feeding me while the world outside is imperilled by mercenaries and dark forces.
Finally home after another visit to the badlands but not before I was subjected to this barbaric ritual which involved dancing to Conga by Gloria Estefan. Kids were dancing too. As everyone knows Conga features offensive lyrics like “Come on, shake your body, baby”. 😱
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Remember that a tit for tat tariff will hurt Canada more compared to no retaliation with almost zero impact on the Americans according to modelling estimates by economists. But no politician in Canada has the courage to make that case to the public. They'd rather play politics.
"But by stopping short of a strict dollar-for-dollar escalation, policymakers have at least avoided inflicting even greater damage on Canadian businesses and consumers." thehub.ca/2025/02/02/tre…
When I spoke to @trevortombe a few weeks ago, this is what he told me.
"If Canada retaliates with 25% across the board, consumer prices on average would rise by about 3.5% to 4% in Canada. Canada's tariff impact on the US economy would be almost zero."
Justin Trudeau in 2021, reacting to the attack on the Capitol:
"What we witnessed was an assault on democracy by violent rioters, incited by the current President and other politicians".
I don't know how we come back from this.
A day after Trump scored a decisive victory in the Iowa Caucus, in January 2024, Justin Trudeau said that Trump returning to the White House would be a "step back". cbc.ca/news/politics/…
And more recently, Trudeau said after Trump's victory, "the United States voted for a second time to not elect its first woman president...I will always be a proud feminist". cpac.ca/public-record/…
I come from a part of India that gave Jews sanctuary two thousand years ago, and more recently again a few hundred years ago. Two thousand years ago, there was even a Jewish kingdom in what is now the southern state of Kerala. I've always been proud of that history and the fact that India stands out as one of very few countries in the world to have no indigenous antisemitism.
My former hometown Mumbai also has a rich Jewish history. This is the Knesset Eliyahu, one of the city's oldest synagogues established by Elias Sasoon, grandson of David Sassoon, a Baghdadi Jew and one of the merchant princes of Mumbai. David Sasoon arrived in Bombay in 1832 from Baghdad escaping persecution. He went on to become one of India's richest men. His legacy lives on today in the famous Sassoon docks and the Sassoon library.
The synagogue was one of the targets of Pakistani Islamists on India's 9/11 known as 26/11 in 2008. They killed the rabbi and his wife and orphaned their baby. To this day, there's a military tank and police protection outside the synagogue each and every day.
There’s a long tradition of young Israelis who come to India after their compulsory service in the military as a place to unwind and regroup. Some places in India have signage in Hebrew because there are so many visitors of Israel. Jewish visitors to India have never faced any indigenous anti-semitism and that’s something very few countries and cultures can boast of.
As a Hindu, I'm not a big fan of the concept of Hinduphobia. This is another manufactured term like Islamophobia and all it does is drive people into their identitarian corner. Hinduism for thousands of years is a religion that accepts multiple views on everything and there's no such thing as a unitary Hindu view, so Hinduphobia by definition is an illogical term. Once again, Canada is importing diaspora grievances which we don't need or want here. Dumb and counterproductive.
The term Hinduphobia animates the Hindu right in India. It helps them electorally. The fact that this concept is being imported to Canada is an indictment of Canada's failed multiculturalism and diaspora grievance politics.
Am disappointed that the Conservatives are pushing this petition to recognize Hinduphobia. They should be above identitarian politics which some of them have correctly criticized in the past. How are they different from the Liberals, the NDP or the Bloc when you play identity politics? We're all Canadians. That's where the conversation should took place.
In 2017, the Russian embassy in Canada pointed to the presence of a monument in Oakville Ontario, honouring Ukrainian soldiers who fought in a Nazi Waffen SS unit. The Russian tweet was correct. But incredibly @JustinTrudeau government went into high gear to smear the correct Russian claim and anyone who repeated it as "disinformation".
@davidpugliese wrote about this incident in 2018 in the @OttawaCitizen and makes the observation:
"But in Canada, the federal government is more than happy to play along with defending Himmler’s SS divisions and Nazi collaborators".
"The Russian tweet sent bureaucrats at Global Affairs Canada into overdrive as they tried to defend the SS unit and Ukrainian Nazi collaborators. The bureaucrats came up with a strategy. The would label the tweet as “disinformation” and they came up with a plan to spread the word to the news media as part of their efforts to defend Ukraine’s Nazi collaborators."
"Graffiti on monument commemorating Nazi SS division being investigated as a hate crime by police".
Halton Police: “This incident occurred to a monument and the graffiti appeared to target an identifiable group".
Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto was a passionate educator who cared about underprivileged kids. For refuting a claim in a DEI session that Canada is a "bastion of white supremacy", he was bullied and tarred a white supremacist, called a weed by the trainer and faced severe… https://t.co/pAlzJIQC12twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Do listen to the audio excerpts we provide from the DEI training session and you'll hear how school principal Richard Bilkszto was bullied not just by the DEI trainer but by other educators. The event left him traumatized which eventually led to his suicide.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
CEO @KojoInstitute Kike Ojo-Thompson: “I just want to thank everybody for a proper, thorough session today. We got into the weeds and got the weed whacker out apparently. It was hot today. It was good. It was really good.” #RichardBilkszto thefp.com/p/a-racist-sme…