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Feb 4, 2022, 8 tweets

Beijing Olympics set to open under cloud of Covid, rights fears

British silver medallist and a prominent US coach at the Beijing Winter Olympics have criticised the decision to award the Games to China over its human rights record

#BREAKING Russia's Putin arrives in Beijing for Winter Olympics: Chinese state media

'Formula One on ice': luge brings hair-raising speeds to the Olympics

#UPDATE Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Beijing for 2022 Winter Olympics, CCTV reports.

It is Putin's "first overseas visit of the year", says CCTV. He will meet China's President Xi Jinping - Xi's first face-to-face meeting with a world leader in nearly two years

#BREAKING Putin hails 'unprecedented' close ties with China in Xi meeting

#UPDATE Russian President Vladimir Putin hails close ties with China in a meeting with Xi Jinping in Beijing.

Says ties are of an "unprecedented nature and an example of a dignified relationship".
The countries are deepening ties in the face of increasing criticism from the West

Beijing's Olympic "bubble".

#AFPgraphics on Covid-related restrictions at the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games

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