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Feb 4, 2022, 7 tweets

#BREAKING France's Macron to go to Russia and Ukraine next week: presidency

#UPDATE French President Emmanuel Macron will visit Moscow and Kyiv to meet his counterparts next week in an effort to mediate the crisis over Ukraine.

Western powers have been engaged in intense diplomatic efforts to try deter a feared Russian invasion of ex-Soviet Ukraine

#BREAKING Erdogan accuses West of making Ukraine crisis 'worse': media

#BREAKING German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to visit Russia February 15: Kremlin

#UPDATE Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the West of making the Russia-Ukraine crisis "worse" and criticised US President Joe Biden's approach to the issue, in comments published by local media on Friday

#UPDATE German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit Russia for talks with President Vladimir Putin on February 15, the Kremlin said Friday, as tensions rage between Moscow and the West over Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron will fly to Russia and Ukraine next week in an attempt to avert conflict between the neighbours, reprising his role as a crisis mediator that has produced limited results in the past

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