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🇨🇦 Canadian First. Real Estate, Financial Analytics, Gov’t Policy, Historical Archivist, blue sky: @jasononthedrums.bsky.social

Feb 5, 2022, 20 tweets

#Ableg News 🧵

If politicians are judged by their honour & integrity…it was a HORRIBLE week for the @UCPCaucus:

🤫 UCP sneak in privatized health care (Story #3)

👩‍⚖️ Kenney hit with another lawsuit! (#8)

💰 NDP Out Funds Kenney by 162%! (#X21)

Here’s 21 bad news UCP Stories!

#Ableg News 🧵

1. 97 Albertans died from Covid19 last week, making It the HIGHEST deaths since Delta rocked Alberta in Oct. 2021

2. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Kenney went to Washington…spent $19,000, but allegedly signed:

✅ 0 new trade deals
✅ $0 in new investments
✅ 0 “Supply Chain” agreements

#Ableg News 🧵

3. With ZERO consultation or explanation, @jkenney secretly made a deal to sneak in MORE private profit into our public healthcare system

His decision to privatize almost every rural lab service. Critics say this move will result in higher costs & longer waits

#Ableg News 🧵

4. UCP MLA Aheer's original constituency board filed a dispute notice to UCP Executives challenging results of a suspicious vote that removed them

Allegations say there’s massive voting irregularities from Kenney-backed voters and the results are fraudulent

#Ableg News 🧵

5. The Red Deer Regional Hospital began diverting all new patients in need of urgent and emergency surgeries — with the exception of the most “life-threatening situations” to Calgary & Edmonton this week.

The hospital overwhelmed by surging demand from Covid.

#Ableg News 🧵

6. Minutes after Kenney’s ally Erin O’Toole was outed as COac party leader, UCP leadership candidate Brian Jean called for Kenney to be voted out in April

7. Drew Barnes asp weighed in saying there is “no daylight between O’Toole’s failure and Kenney’s failure”

#Ableg News 🧵

8. Five environmental organizations followed through on a threat to sue Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and the UCP government for defamation in relation to several disproven comments he made since 2019!

#Ableg News 🧵

9. NDP MLAs refuse to participate in Kenney’s “Safe Drug Supply” committee saying it’s a “political stunt”

Instead of using scientific evidence & peer-reviewed research, UCP MLA’s have relied on disproven, biased speakers

1400 Albertans died of ODs in 2021

#Ableg News 🧵

While Kenney was away…

10. The Coutts border was shut down by 100-vigilantes, blocking a MAJOR supply chain route

When critics asking Kenney why his Bill 1, a critical infrastructure act, wasn’t used - it was noted Grant Hunter UCP MLA supported the blockade.

#Ableg News Thread

Liar Liar 🤥

11. Kenney lied in a later press conference and said “@GrantHunterUCP ONLY participated in “moving protests”

Photographs showed not only was UCP MLA Hunter NOT moving; he was standing IN FRONT of the blockade!


#Ableg News 🧵

12. UCP MLA’s Shane Getson & Dan Williams also fully supported and participated in actions that blocked ambulances, supply chain vehicles, and essential workers.

Getson, himself is alleged to have helped block a major bridge in Edmonton with his dump truck

#Ableg News 🧵

13. Despite all the UCP MLA’s loving “freedom”, major corporations and organizations demanded Kenney step up and date action.

The Canadian Meat Council expressed concern when 150 loads of Canadian Beef, representing MILLIONS were stuck

Kenney never responded.

#Ableg News 🧵

14. During a BRUTAL press conference Tuesday, Kenney said they he was looking to reduce restrictions “by the end of February”, despite record hospitalizations!

15. Tuesday night, rogue UCP MLA’s met and DEMANDED Kenney reduce restrictions ASAP.

#Ableg News 🧵

16. Seemingly without Kenney’s consent, the UCP Caucus Chair released a statement!

Critics suggested it looks like UCP MLAs believe they have the authority to negotiate an entire province’s public health approach with a group of people engaged in illegal activity

#Ableg News 🧵

17. In response to the pressure vigilante truckers and rogue UCP MLA’s, Kenney agreed to remove Covid restrictions next week.

18. In a late night Facebook live stream, Kenney said that he would look to block Municipalities from attempting to keep restrictions

#Ableg News 🧵

19. Alberta Municipalities released a statement regarding Kenney’s bizarre comments about amending the law.

They said Kenney’s attempt to aggressively strip municipalities of their autonomy to be extremely "puzzling and troubling".

#Ableg News 🧵

20. New Research shows that, by using age-adjusted factors, Alberta saw this HIGHEST excess of deaths, and the worst province in Canada!

Alberta reported nearly 150 excess deaths per 100,000 residents. That equates to about 4,800 more deaths than expected!

#Anleg News 🧵

Good News?

21. Final 2021 Donations:

- New Democrats – $6,151,163
- United Conservatives – $3,796,905

This means the NDP outraised Kenney by 162%!

There were 32,771 unique donations to Alberta’s NDP in the quarter, including 1,431 new donors!

#Ableg News 🧵

Finally….if you get a chance…PLEASE complete Kenney’s UCP Survey (maybe don’t use your most accurate address as they will 100% data mine)

Let them know what you REALLY think!



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