Aleyda Solis πŸ•ŠοΈ Profile picture
SEO Consultant, Speaker & Author. @Orainti Founder @Remotersnet Co-Founder @CrawlingMondays Host #SEOFOMO + #MarketingFOMO + Maker @mujeresEnSEO

Feb 5, 2022, 9 tweets

SEO questions we can now answer in bulk with the new @googlesearchc URL Inspection API adoption by SEO crawlers like @screamingfrog & @sitebulb πŸ”₯πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡

1. For which pages Google is not using the specified indexability/canonical configuration and what is doing/using instead?



2. Which ranked pages attracting clicks haven't been crawled lately? Have they been submitted in the XML sitemap?



3. How are you internally linking to those URLs that Google is finding to be duplicates and not selecting as the canonical to index? When was the last time Google crawled them? Assess not only their indexing status, but internal linking & XML sitemap inclusion too.



4. Which indexable URLs attracting clicks are triggering mobile usability, rich results or AMP issues/errors?



Are you concerned hitting the daily API quota too soon? Remember the limits are per property, not domain πŸ€“ and you can also do list crawls for those top URLs of each area/category you want to prioritize to rank and assess


Finally, huge thanks to SEO crawlers already supporting the API @screamingfrog & @sitebulb for the flexible reporting support of the new data (allowing it to blend with our own SEO crawling insights) and new filtering options that facilitate to answer these and more questions πŸ™Œ


If you just want a quick check of Google Coverage Status of a URLs list, take a look at these free validation tools using the API:

* @VorticonCmdr's Google Bulk Inspect URLs:

* @Errioxa's



* @m_jrichardson's URL Inspection API in Sheets:…

Thanks for the amazing effort to develop these for free πŸ™ŒπŸ€©

... and if you're a bit more technical and prefer to run scripts from the terminal, check out:

* @jlhernando's Node.js based script & guide:…

* @ChouinardJC's Python tutorial:…

πŸ› πŸ’₯

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