Jonathan Kay Profile picture
Editor, writer & podcaster at @Quillette. Book author. Substacker. @fairforall_org advisor. ex-lawyer -engineer -coder. Lapsed Jew. Gamer. Problematic Canadian

Feb 7, 2022, 21 tweets

So the story here is that last night, there was a mass murder plot in an Ottawa apt building, with one of the would-be killers telling a passer-by (for no apparent reason) he was a protestor. But no one calls 911, & Ottawa arson's unit finds out about it on twitter a day later.

Also, am I missing the big stories that should have already appeared on the big media sites such as CBC Ottawa and Ottawa Citizen? Right now, I was expecting "Arson Plot Foiled" as the main story. Instead, it's a story about parking tickets being issues....

It's been four hours since this thread went up. I know it's sunday, but is there a reason the Ottawa Citizen site doesn't have a banner headline about the hundreds of lives that were saved from immolation by the bravery of anti-protest activists living in an apt building?

and is there a reason why this big-rig trucker seems to be a college-age teenager or young adult with purple hair ?

um, also, anyone else find if odd that the person who wrote this is oddly ambivalent about finding the ppl who, yknow, tried to murder everyone, yet is *extremely* interested in making sure the narrative is used to advance the political goal of expelling protesters from the city?

And why exactly would anyone "hesitate" to raise the alarm about a crime that, had it played out, would have been the greatest act of mass murder Ottawa had ever witnessed?

also, does anyone else find it unusual that someone engaged in a mass murder plot would use *tape* on a door ... while *they* were still inside.... and then we learn later in the thread that the killers just waltzed out some other door, which, like, apparently, anyone could use?

It's a good thing I know this is a good faith report of an arson attack, or I'd have abundant reason to think that this was an incredibly clumsy false accusation made by a trio of amateurs looking to use this stunt to make a political statement. Good thing that's def not the case

really looking forward to an update from the police. I just scrolled through the last two days of police twitter. Many tweets about road closures, but none about mass-murder arson plots. Maybe it's not high priority

my fav detail about this real thing that totally happened: tenant asks arsonist—mid-arson—who he is. arsoner stops his arsoning & says "I'm a convoy protestor guy/arsoner" Then he continues arsoning, while tenant goes to bed in his soon-to-be-immolated building & doesn't call 911

That's totally how I would react if someone were burning down my house. I'd be like "Hey who are you?" Then he'd recite his political grievances and continue engaging in arson while I watched netflix and then hit the sack, resolved to write a twitter thread about it the next morn

Aaaaannnnywaayyyy, important thing is that Canadian journalists & politicians are definitely *not* credulously tweeting out this allegation of a mass murder plot without first ensuring that it was fact-checked by, like, anyone... bcuz that'd be crazy, rite? i mean who does that

- fin -

UPDATE: It has now been 19 hours since the totally real Ottawa arson plot that really happened. And yet, amazingly, nothing on the CBC Ottawa web site. But maybe that's because attempted mass murder with fire can't compete for headline space with these other blockbuster stories

oh yeah this is totally how you investigate a totally real arson plot aimed at murdering everyone in an apartment building: ascertain whether the manager is a "cool dude," then proceed accordingly

Well, we are in luck, folks: facts! reporter @glen_mcgregor was actually there when the superintendent called the police at 230pm (this would be 8-9 hours after the supposed arson murder plotters were caught red handed).


Gee what a shocker

Ah so that didn't take long. The backpedalling has begun.

"These people have no end to their evil"

Ottawa Deputy Police Chief on the alleged arson in Ottawa: “We don’t have any direct linkage between the occupation—the demonstrators—and that act.”…

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