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Journalist - NUJ Accredited | Husband | Father | Muslim | ♿ Disabled | #OSINT | RT/Like not an endorsement | DM to use my work

Feb 7, 2022, 10 tweets

Babe, why haven't you touched your Captain Tom blanket?

I know what will cheer you up! Check out the respectful ™️ clothing I got to spice things up later.

OK go on then, spark up ole Tom. It's what he would've wanted.

What do you mean it's the wrong flag? Are you questioning Captain Sir Colonel Tom Moore's Internationalist beliefs?

Stop complaining and take this to the shrine.

#WearAMask like a real Patriot would.

Fine, I'll play Tom tonight, but you better reciprocate tomorrow!!!!

I wanted all Tom, not this half hearted attempt.

I don't care if the other kids bully you sweetie, this is a Captain Tom household so put on your mask NOW!

Very respectful ™️🤌

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