Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) 🌻🍉 Profile picture
Uniting frontline communities and organizations. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽

Feb 9, 2022, 10 tweets

A dig, burn & dump economy based on extracting natural & human resources faster than we can regenerate will eventually come to an end — either through collapse or through our intentional re-organization. Transition is inevitable. Justice is not.❤️‍🔥

#ResistAndBuild #JustTransition

How can we resist false climate solutions and ensure a Just Transition that restores our communities and the web of life?

#JustTransitionNow #ClimateJustice #CommunityControl #CommunitySelfDetermination

Frontline communities & workers are impacted first and worst by the interlinked crises of climate change and the extractive economy.

“Just Transition is a principle, a process and a practice.”
~ @JTAlliance…

Resist False Solutions like Carbon Markets, Geoengineering: and Nuclear Energy.

Organizers with @UPROSE have developed New York’s first community owned solar energy cooperative project and a climate jobs hub that will stop harmful pollution and foster community control.…

Project Feed the Hood in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a food literacy and community gardening initiative of the SouthWest Organizing Project @SWOPista, that aims to improve community health through education and revival of traditional growing methods:

How can we resist false climate solutions and ensure a #JustTransition that restores our communities and the web of life?

Explore the full content: 🔥🌱🛠

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