Dave Anchovy Profile picture
👆Some might call me “a man with such a big mouth”, some might be wrong. 😘 🚨 I cuss. No fucks left to give. #JustTeach 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥🔥 #StopDemonizingTeachers

Feb 10, 2022, 26 tweets

WINDSOR OCCUPATION - Feb. 10 #FluTruxKlanGoHome #KarenConvoy #WindsorBlockade

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Chatter is about getting speakers and projectors down to the occupation.

This domestic terrorist supporter is a big party pooper. 😂

Counter protest scheduled for Saturday in Windsor.

Ottawa’s airports are shutdown. Pat King is shutting down the airports. Chris Sky says Trudeau’s head of security has resigned! We’re winning!

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Apparently Pat King is doing a slow roll at the Ottawa airport.

A few in the channel talking about their dating woes. One casually mentions that he legally can’t talk to his girlfriend anymore, He’s going to trial for a fight in an elevator. Another guy chiming in the same thing happened to him. (CHARMING PEOPLE HERE)

There are NO leaders in this occupation. We tried that with Donna, but they started to target her and wreak her life. (THAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU PLAY WITH BEING A DOMESTIC TERRORIST 😂)

NEWSFLASH: People recording your chats? We think you are fucking idiot nutbars! 🤣 #Fact

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Mass blocking and bouncing of users in Windsor Convoy 2. 😬😲🤫 Some are not taking it well. (Shhhh I’m still there)

They booted everyone! 😂🤣😂 Even me! Waaahhhhhhh! I’ll find a way back in. Count on it.

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