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Feb 12th 2022
Hi everyone! I'm going to start a new thread as the day goes on - heres what happened last night until approximately 2:00AM /1
It's definitely a stand off now, with the line of police officers facing what seems like a pretty committed group of people - hearing reports that people have brought there children back to #AmbassadorBridge - there are snipers on roofs /2
#Windsor #windsorontario #cdnpoli
Read 46 tweets
Feb 11th 2022
Okay apparently a troll group called #RamRanchResistance has infiltrated the largest Windsor Trucking Protest channel on Zello called "Convoy for our Freedom Windsor". Had thousands of members. Insider initiated some kind of algorithmic attack #WindsorBlockade #freedomconvoy
That was unbelievable to watch. All day this admin on the "Convoy for our Freedom Windsor" called Medicczar tried 2 talk sense into rabid "anti-vaxxers", "anti-mandate" Canadians & frankly what seemed like alot of Sovereign Citizen Americans who had no skin in the game really.
At some point just over an hour ago things totally went off the rails & dozens of new accnts all starting with "BigTruckxxxxx" & ending with random numbers in letters where the x's are, starting appearing almost every sec. Mods tried 2 block but the channel was eventually overrun
Read 9 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
WINDSOR OCCUPATION CHATTER aka New Phone, Who Dis? #RamRanchResistance #KarenConvoy #WindsorBlockade 4 pics ImageImageImageImage
4 pics ImageImageImageImage
4 pics ImageImageImageImage
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