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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Feb 10, 2022, 26 tweets

[LIVE] #LOONA Kim Lip is live on VLIVE

"It's my birthday today.."

Kim Lip: "The stream's in portrait right? I think I turned this on wrong... Be right back"

New stream link

She just got back from rehearsal - they ran through it twice actually, so she says she doesn't look great

They were busy since early today and she wondered if she could go live but the company decorated her room, and she told them that she'd like to go live for her birthday,

even though it's late (it's 11:45PM ish right now), she thought she would be doing it voice only but it's a video stream with the decorations

Today she went to another birthday cafe event early today, then was at rehearsal, then got here

What surprised Lip was balloons these days having lights inside

Q: What did she eat for her birthday?
Her mom sent her cake and food via delivery during their rehearsal, she shared with the members as well

She also has these things
the korean reads: "it's my birthday today"

She wanted to go to all the fan-run cafe events but they were all pretty far apart from one another so she didn't have time to go to them all, being busy with concert prep

She also has this cake - she will eat this cake tomorrow morning after waking up

So that she can be in good condition for the concert, this stream will be simple and short. She'll go to sleep and try to maintain her condition - she just wanted to go live while it was still her birthday

Yeah I'm already 24, everyone. It surprised me too.

Scared that anyone would get COVID, we even practiced with masks on. That was a little tiring, but safety first.

And next year I'm turning 25... It's already bewildering that I'm 24 now. I don't know what I'm saying right now, actually, today's just been so hectic. I think I'm just saying things.

Oh today I posted the cover, right? I wanted to do that for my birthday.

Story about that, I wanted the night sky to be the background, but the sunset was so late! So since 4, 5PM, we were waiting for the sunset, but we had to wait even longer, and every cut the sun was in a different spot so the brightness was different in all the shots.

So we decided to re-shoot the entire thing after the sun completely set.

I said that I wanted the night scenery, so we just did the whole thing, and filming that took a while, so thanks to the staff involved.

While prepping for the concert the cover was prepared in a bit of rush, so I'm thankful for all the Orbits saying they liked it. I wanted to give Orbits a gift, did you like it? (Passes mic to viewer)

So many people are wishing my happy birthday right now, it's so touching.

Last year we had this box, and I have it here.

I wanted to open this alone, actually, but Haseul and Yeojin asked if they could be on stream to help me for my stream today and I said yes, they're here now

Lip only has one chair so Yeojin will stand as maknae
Haseul will keep the mask on since she doesn't have lipstick on

It's the box from the Yeojin / Go Won / Lip live, the time capsule they made with letters to themselves a year from then

Photos from then

Lip will Go won's letter to her and not read it

Lip (Reading her letter): why did I write so much??

Lip: I wrote this so seriously??
Haseul: Okay filter it out then a little. Say what it's about

Lip asks for 3 seconds

Yeojin: I don't think I can read mine. I think I was out of my mind when I wrote this.

Haseul (pulling up the previous portrait vlive): Hey you're looking like this!

(They tell her that's the prev one, Haseul says she's bad with tech)

Lip thinks she never intended to share the letter, that's why she was so serious

She shares that she'd like to be with Orbits seeing each others' smiles when the situation gets better, she can't wait for another whole year

Yeojin says she wrote her letter for Lip, in addition to herself, she remembers how Go Won wrote stuff for her

Pic: Yeojin reading her letter with stuff like my queen lip whom I love [etc]
[Lip gives Yeojin extra credit]

Lip will give Go Won her letter later

[They quickly sing happy birthday even though it's past midnight]

They tell Lip to make a wish, she does, silently, and blows out the candles

[then pic]
Haseul: I thought by "make a wish" that I was supposed to give her a kiss!

They say they'll be showing amazing performances at the concert, so hopefully they can see the fans tomorrow

Haseul/Yeojin were worried about Lip dozing off during the stream and just being out of it in general so they offered to join this quick stream

Lip agreed, she felt pretty sleepy throughout the day today as well, and she was zoning out at various points throughout the day, considering she went to the cafe event earlier too

Ending stream:
all: "see you tomorrow!"
Haseul/Yeojin: "kim lip happy birthday!!"

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