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Feb 10, 2022, 6 tweets

What is the #GlobalGateway Africa – Europe Investment Package?

It is all about supporting Africa for a strong, inclusive, green and digital recovery and transformation.

#TeamEurope – the EU and EU countries, will support concrete and transformational project in priority areas.

We will invest in projects with concrete objectives for the green transition.

This includes:
🔷 increasing the renewable energy generation capacity by at least an additional 300 GW,
🔷 protecting biodiversity by stabilising 3 million km² of land.


We will work with partner countries to deploy digital networks and infrastructures to:

🔷 tackle the global digital divide, and
🔷 strengthen secure digital connections within the countries and between Europe and the world.

#AfricaEU #GlobalGateway

The #GlobalGateway Africa – Europe Investment Package will boost investments in regional and continental economic integration, promote sustainable growth and decent job creation.

Unlocking additional financing for sustainable transitions will be key to achieving our common ambition.

The financing of the #GlobalGateway Africa-Europe Investment Package includes bilateral aid, and both grants and loans.


The #GlobalGateway is our strategy to boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport and also strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.

Learn more ➞!hPjn4T


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