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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Feb 10, 2022, 11 tweets

#SeditionHunters - a chilling dispatch from Canadian reporter @mattgurney shows parallels between 'protests' in Ottawa now and DC Jan 6. In both cases: 'useful idiots' up front, grabbing press attention, & a harder, more purposeful group waiting behind. 1/…

Read this essential reporting. Gurney thinks the city of Ottawa has lost control: that harder elements ("disciplined, organized, and alert for outsiders") are now entrenched in a 2nd location, a group separate from the unwitting protestors, with a goal of disrupting the state. 2/

It's the Jan 6 playbook, eerily similar. Gurney says Ottawa police cannot move now without bloodshed ("dead cops, dead truckers"), short of military help. On Jan 6, Capitol/DC police miraculously called it right, found the only path out. But they faced bear spray, not trucks. 3/

Gurney's take: Canadian leaders are paralyzed by confusion and uncertainty. Media are distracted by the "bouncy castles and the Fuck Trudeau signs". The police see the trap but not a way out of it. It's Jan 6 with heavier weapons - a loaded semi weighs 80,000 pounds. 4/

More parallels: the astroturfed efforts to build a crowd (a sudden blitz of US-based Facebook pages); the untraceable donations (Politico: "unprecedented" in scale); promotion by the same 'influencers', some tied to Canadian Ezra Levant's Rebel Media. 5/…

Levant's Rebel Media gave the world Gavin McInnes and his Proud Boys, also launched propagandist Jack Posobiec (1.6 M followers), a key driver of US election-fraud lies. Last month Posobiec's theme was Ukraine, Putin-worship; this month he's fundraising the invasion of Ottawa. 6/

In the US, the Capitol attack needed months of build-up. But the playbook is practiced now; Canada was faster. The rest of us (& media, politicians) must learn our lessons too: avoid bouncy-castle distraction, realize the danger, and respond decisively. 7/

Adding trucks to the playbook is a terrifying gamechanger. The US Capitol attack had a mob of 15,000, still didn't succeed. Invading Ottawa, the Canadian capitol, took just a few 100. Remember: five years ago in Nice, a single truck killed 86 people... 8/…

Gurney has a thread from Feb 5 with more details on the grim situation. He says "our enemies, foreign and domestic.. are taking careful notes". It will only get worse; Jan 6 is metastasizing: now Ottawa, soon Europe. We must act, together, to stop it. 9/

We can't be naive anymore. What's happened in DC & Ottawa are NOT protests over elections or vaccines. They are attacks on democracies, fed by outside $ and by carefully crafted conspiracy theories. Here's Pat King, organizer of the trucker convoy, talking regime change... 10/

Canada is a country of 38 million held hostage by a few hundred people. Without the money and the trucks, it's not even news. With money and trucks, and malign leaders, it's a national crisis. The only solution: remove money, trucks, and leadership. 11/…

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