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Feb 11, 2022, 5 tweets

WHO’s global mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub in #SouthAfrica is building self-reliance & provides a one stop shop for low- & middle-income countries to benefit from the technology transferred & know-how to produce mRNA vaccines

#COVID19 has demonstrated the importance of investments in science, technology & innovation.
For most of 2021, limited global vaccine supply led to huge disparities in #COVID19 vaccine access, leaving billions of people – especially in low- & middle-income countries – unprotected

The mRNA hub aim is to develop a training facility where mRNA technology is developed to the scale required for mass production of vaccines; then for that full package of technology to be transferrable to multiple recipients in low- & middle-income countries.

WHO & partners will bring in the production know-how, quality control and necessary licenses to a single entity to facilitate a broad and rapid technology transfer to multiple recipients

.@DrTedros, 🇿🇦 Minister @HealthZA Dr Joe Phaahla, Minister of Higher Education, Science & Innovation @DrBladeNzimande & 🇧🇪 Minister of Development Cooperation @MeryameKitir are visiting a number of public & private sector partners that are collaborating for the global mRNA hub

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