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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Feb 12, 2022, 8 tweets

Paris, France: Police have stopped drivers on the highway believed to be part of the French #ConvoiFrance2022 trying to get to the city center. Police have banned the convoy from coming & authorities said there would be prison sentences. #FreedomConvoy

Paris: Police fired off tear gas to try to forcibly disperse the French freedom convoy protesters. #ConvoiFrance2022

Paris: Police impound and forcibly remove vehicles believed to be part of the French freedom convoy. #convoisdelaliberte

Paris: The excessive tear gas use by police on Champ Elysees to disperse Freedom Convoy protesters causes patrons of restaurants to be affected as well. #convoisdelaliberte

Paris: Scenes of violence at the Champ Elysees as police rush in to forcibly disperse and arrest Freedom Convoy protesters. #convoisdelaliberte

Paris: Police use force to arrest Freedom Convoy protesters. #convoisdelaliberte

Paris: Freedom Convoy protesters stand in the street to block more French National Police vehicles from coming in. #ConvoidelaLiberte

Unrest continues on the Champ Elysees in Paris. Police have been unable to fully shut down the Freedom Convoy protest despite heavy use of tear gas. #convoisdelaliberte

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