Paul Smith 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Sailor, biker, adventurer, trade & build 'stuff' ❤ coffee Price lies v ≺ p 🙈🙉🙊

Feb 13, 2022, 9 tweets

Code experiments...
I thought it might be interesting to map the pivots around a specific hourly minute. Here, zero, so, on the hour, and observe the price action around those closes. I don't get quite the same view from an hourly chart, for example.
Interesting... 🤔

Just connecting the dots (where you have several in a trend), is kinda nice...

OK, kinda messy and limited data, but clearly, hourly trend channel breaks might be something to check out on a few more charts :) These are regression channels, dot to dot (where the dots trend a few)

Just did a little video on this. Beer fueled, so, err, your mileage may vary. Watch it now before I decide it was a bad idea 😉


Also, noted long, long ago that mkt seems to have a memory for trend lines going way, way back. Not sure if this is just peoples minds seeing what they want, but the price does _appear_ to often react. I'm not quite a believer yet, but still...

All 100% coincidence, I am sure 🤔


So, my last update on this. You can easily play with this yourself if you want. But, today seemed to play out very nicely...

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