Campaign for New York Health 🍎 Profile picture
The Campaign for NY Health is fighting to win universal, single-payer healthcare: the #NYHealthAct. Join us to #PassNYHealth - guaranteed care for all of us!

Feb 16, 2022, 7 tweets

1/ Ellen passed away last year after an intense struggle w/ cancer and the cruelties of our current healthcare system. In her final months, Ellen was forced to use her invaluable & limited energy & time to continuously fight her insurance company... #PassNYHealth #NYHAforEllen

2/ gain access to the treatment, rehab, and hospice care she required and deserved. Ultimately, after much delay and with the support of her medical teams, she won several of her appeals...
#PassNYHealth #NYHAforEllen

3/ ...However, even as she was clearly dying, the insurance company continued to deny her access to in-patient hospice care, which she secured only after intervention at the congressional level...
#PassNYHealth #NYHAforEllen

4/ Join us Wed 2/16 to #PassNYHealth to mark the birthday of Ellen Bilofsky, beloved community leader & fierce advocate for health justice, which included championing #MedicareForAll and the #NYHealthAct at the state level. #NYHAforEllen
Take action:

5/ Share your stories & testify about the inadequacies of our current healthcare system. Urge elected officials to reaffirm their commitment to #PassNYHealth in 2022. #PassNYHealth #NYHAforEllen
Use this toolkit:

The majority of calls to the American Cancer Society are 'I can't afford to have cancer.’

It is long past time to #PassNYHealth!

Tell @GovKathyHochul @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie pass #NYHAforEllen!

Contact lawmakers today:

No one should spend their final days arguing with a profit-motivated insurance corporation, trying desperately to get the care they need & to not bankrupt their family in the process.
@GovKathyHochul @AndreaSCousins @CarlHeastie #PassNYHealth #NYHAforEllen

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