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Feb 16, 2022, 25 tweets

One Piece Theory

The Motives & Mysteries of Mihawk


Despite being one of the earliest antagonists to be introduced in the story, Mihawk remains one of the most illusive characters when it comes to details being revealed about him.

Oda seems to intentionally avoid giving explicit information on Mihawk

So if there is very limited explicit information to go on, what can we learn from the implicit clues?

The following analysis will discuss all the things that may give us clues to the motives & mysteries of Mihawk.

First of all, there is his design. Many associate him with being like a Musketeer, from the story created by, Alexandre Dumas.

However, his design is actually closer to that of a, Espadachine, swordsman from the, Spanish Golden Age.

Íñigo Montoya may be an inspiration.

Whether Mihawk is based on the Musketeers or the Espadachine, in affect, the root inspiration is the same. Mihawk's design is primarily based on that of a renaissance era swordsman.

This tracks with the idea of him being the world's strongest swordsman.

But that doesn't give us much clue about his motivations, nor does it answer any of the mysteries surrounding him.

Mihawk's other design inspiration, Dracula, gives us more tangible clues. It is through this inspiration that Oda decided to have Mihawk live at, Kuraigana Island

Kuragiana Island, meaning, 'Gloomy Island', is quite clearly based on Castle Transylvania, the home of, Count Dracula.

But why is it that Mihawk lives in this ruined kingdom? Was it originally his home?

The answer to this will likely reveal important information on Mihawk.

There is almost no information at all on this kingdom's past but it seems likely that it is one of many that fell to ruin during a war.

This would add some interesting depth to Mihawk's character.

Then there is his abilities and his epithet, 'Hawk Eye'.
Known throughout the world as the individual with perhaps the best observation haki out of anyone. Mihawk is renowned for his hawk-like eyesight and apparent ability see things almost before they happen.

Interestingly, the original concept for Mihawk's epithet, was not, 'Hawk-Eye' but instead -
'The Clairvoyant.'

It is almost certain that Mihawk has the future sight ability. However, it may be even more than that. He may actually have clairvoyance.

There have been a few occasions in the story where Mihawk has taken part in or commented on important meetings.

In the examples where he attends meetings, he seems interested but acts as if he already knows the outcome.

This is also reflected in his comments about the Reverie, Mihawk seems to be aware that the Warlords were going to be abolished before the actual declaration was made.

It's possible that he has a spy but he doesn't seem like he needs or would use spies.

One thing is clear, Mihawk values information and likes to keep himself appraised of current events. Perhaps this is essential to being able to read the future.

This leads us in to another connected detail, his eyes.

This is perhaps the most interesting thing about, Mihawk. He is one of only four known characters to possess a very particular kind of eye.

The only other characters that have these eyes are, Imu, Zunisha & Cavedish's alter ego, Hakuba.

What is the connection between them?

One interesting concept that i've seen, is that these are the eyes of those who are cursed. This concept was suggested by someone in, @YoshidaShoyou's recent prediction stream.

I think this theory may be on the right track.

Perhaps this is why Mihawk lives almost entirely in isolation, making exceptions only for, Zoro & Perona.

Mihawk is not known to have any love interests or close friends, only those he holds mutual respect for, like Shanks.

Maybe he doesn't like to get close with people.

This idea would fit well with how he behaved during the events of the Reverie.

He seemed to foresee the abolition of the Warlords and then warned Perona to take the opportunity to escape and go in search of Moria.

He doesn't want people close to him to die.

Following this line of thinking, it would perhaps even fit with the potential inspiration of, Íñigo Montoya, who sought revenge for the killing of his father.

This may go some ways to explaining Mihawk's backstory.

Mihawk came from, Kuragiana Kingdom and was perhaps a son of an aristocrat, an actual Count. Perhaps his father, the Count, was killed by someone and Mihawk original went out to seek revenge.

This would explain why he appears to already be a swordsman during Roger's execution.

This would give Mihawk good initial motivation to have taken to the seas and began to grow in strength as a swordsman. To defeat the man who killed his father.

It would of been this motivation that led to his rivalry with, Shanks.

Likely in pursuit of his revenge, Mihawk would have faced countless enemies and been forced to grow in strength. Shanks was likely one of the biggest obstacles to this motivation.

From how they talk of their duels, it seems like Shanks was once superior to Mihawk.

This is a point of debate in the community, whether or not Mihawk is stronger than Shanks. The only thing that is certain, is that Mihawk surpassed Shanks in swordsmanship, becoming the, 'World's Strongest Swordsman'.

Oda has made this intentionally debateable and likely something we will never get an answer to, unless through a flashback. In current times, Mihawk has shown twice that he is no longer willing to fight with Shanks

So perhaps Mihawk's origin is that he went out seeking revenge for his father, the Count of Kuragiana.

In pursuit of this revenge, he formed his rivalry with, Shanks and ended up becoming the, World's Strongest Swordsman.

Did he ever get his revenge?

Perhaps his enemy is still out there, however, there is another interesting possibility.

"It's been quite some time since I was the one being chased."

Maybe, Mihawk is not the one doing the hunting for revenge but the one being hunted.

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