Marc Owen Jones Profile picture
Asc Prof @HBKU | Author:Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East & Political Repression in Bahrain | PhD @durham_uni | NR Sen Fellow @dawnmenaorg @ME_Council

Feb 16, 2022, 9 tweets

1/9 I hope this thread will bring a sliver of joy to those on strike. It's a thread about solidarity and music, and strikes. One of the most profound experiences of my career and life was the #UCUStrike of 2018. It was my second year as

2/9 a lecturer at Uni of Exeter, and my first time on strike. As well as making great friends on the picket line, a few of us formed an impromptu band called 'Comrade Snowflake'. What was wonderful was the solidarity. There was myself, lucky enough to be on a permanent contract,

3/9 @drrhianelinor - at the time a PhD student on a casualized contract, Gabriel, a PhD student, and @GromskiOliver, an undergraduate student and one of the most talented musicians I've ever met. None of us had known each other before, but striking brought us together #ucustrike

4/9 We did our best to keep spirits up on the picket line, playing Solidarity Forever, Power in a Union and the The Internationale on repeat (but mostly solidarity forever). @billybragg even showed up and we were lucky enough to jam with him! #UCUstrike

5/9 To this day I'm still not sure tuning his guitar was in...

6/9 As we painted posters (see below), planned teach outs, learned about pensions, and drank endless cups of sweet hot tea, we became bonded in a way that still makes me feel emotional today. We wrote songs about Vice Chancellor corruption and educational reform. Olly even

7/9 had an accordion too.

Strikes are tough. You strike because you want something to change. It is tougher for some than others - but solidarity gives us strength, both political but also spiritual. It builds deep bonds that can be impervious to even the most devious tactics

8/9 Even now, as I type from a different country, having moved from the UK, I get a lump in my throat when I see the hashtag #UCUStrike, and see photos of students and/or workers united in common purpose. You guys are wonderful, brave and I love you for it.

9/9 I want to leave you with a beautiful ballad written by Olly called Red Weather Warning, named in part after the storms of 2018. It details the journey from couch to the picket line. I hope it will bring a smile at the end of a tough day #Solidarity <3…

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