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AusPolMate - Time for a break

Feb 17, 2022, 5 tweets

1/ Unemployment-The forgotten facts
If you have a job, but haven't worked because of illness, Injury or sick leave. You are still counted as employed.
We can see the extraordinary level of people connected to work, but not working in the chart below

2/ A massive increase in people who worked fewer hours because of illness, injury or sick leave

3/ Side by Side we can see the massive increase in both the zero hours and fewer hours cohort.

4/ More than just illness, the number of people who were stood down or worked fewer hours than usual is substantially higher than the Pre-COVID January.

5/ Finally, using March 2020 as the base month we can see that the hours worked has dropped significantly while maintaining the similar employment level.
Summary: 100's of thousands worked far less than they usually do or did not work at all.

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