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Feb 17, 2022, 16 tweets

#BREAKING Russia announces new military withdrawal from annexed Crimea: agencies

#UPDATE Russia announces new drawdown of military forces from the Moscow-annexed Crimean peninsula, continuing to claim a troop withdrawal that has been met with scepticism from Ukraine and its Western allies

#AFPgraphics map showing Russian troop deployments on Ukraine's border

#UPDATE Russia has announced more troop pullbacks from the Ukrainian border as Washington insisted that Moscow is still building up forces for a potential invasion of its pro-Western neighbour

#BREAKING US defence chief warns of Russian provocation after 'troubling' reports of shelling on Ukraine frontline with Moscow-backed separatists

#BREAKING US envoy to UN: evidence on the ground suggests Russia 'moving toward an imminent invasion' of Ukraine

#BREAKING Washington has received Moscow's written response to its security proposals: US official

#BREAKING Reported shelling of eastern Ukraine kindergarten 'false flag' operation: UK PM

#BREAKING Moscow expels deputy chief of US mission in Russia: US official

#BREAKING Russia attack on Ukraine possible in 'next several days': Biden

#BREAKING Biden says has 'no plans' to call Putin

#BREAKING Russia is not planning any attack on Ukraine: foreign ministry

#BREAKING Russia 'will be forced to respond, including with military-technical measures,' if no US security guarantees: Russian foreign ministry

#BREAKING UN urges 'restraint' by all parties amid reports of fresh shelling in eastern Ukraine

#BREAKING Ukraine has 'no need' for foreign allied forces on its territory: President Zelensky

#BREAKING Blinken, at UN Security Council, urges Russia to 'abandon path of war' against Ukraine

#BREAKING Blinken invites Lavrov to meet in Europe 'next week' over Ukraine crisis

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