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Feb 18, 2022, 20 tweets

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin & William F. Buckley hold a debate at the University of Cambridge in England. The topic: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?". Baldwin argued in favor while Buckley argued the opposing side.


“The doctrine of white supremacy comes from Europe, that’s how it got to America” - Baldwin

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin & William F. Buckley debate: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?" at the University of Cambridge in England.

“It comes as a great shock to discover the flag to which you’ve pledged allegiance, along with everybody else, has not pledged allegiance to you”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William F. Buckley debate: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?”

“The economy, especially of the Southern states, could not conceivably be what it has become if they had not had for so many generations, cheap labor”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William F. Buckley: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?”

“They’ve been raised to believe that no matter how terrible their lives may be, no matter what disaster overtakes them, at least they are not Black”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William F. Buckley: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?”

“If those were white people being murdered in Mississippi, the gov’t would find some way of doing something about it. If the gov’t didn’t honor the 15th Amendment then, the Civil Rights Bill won’t be honored now” - Baldwin

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate.

“In 400yrs, the American soil is full of the corpses of my ancestors. Why is my freedom or my citizenship or my right to live there conceivably a question now?”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?".

“I was taught in American history books that Africa had no history & neither did I. That I was a savage about whom the less said the better. Who had been saved by Europe & brought to America…”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate: University of Cambridge, England.

“One of the great things that the white world does not know is that Black people are just like everybody else One has used the myths of Negro & color to pretend that you are dealing with something exotic & unknown…”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate.

“I don’t know & neither does Martin Luther King know how to deal with those people whom the white world has so long ignored, who don’t believe anything the white world says & don’t entirely believe anything I or Martin says”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate.

“There is scarcely any hope for the American dream because the people who are denied participation in it, by their very presence, will reck it. And if that happens it’s a very grave moment for the West”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate. University of Cambridge.

“It is impossible in my judgement to deal with the indictment of Mr Baldwin unless one is prepared to deal with him as a white man”William Buckley

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William Buckley debate: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William Buckley debate. University of Cambridge, England.

Buckley accuses Baldwin of “pandering” to the audience by using a “fake British accent”. Notice Baldwin’s reaction. The audience doesn’t take it so we’ll and reacts to Buckley.

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William Buckley debate. "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"
Cambridge U, England.

William Buckley minimizes the free labor of enslaved Africans & how America accumulated its wealth by promoting “capitalism”.

“I want to know what it is we should do & whether it is time in fact to abandon the American Dream…”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William Buckley debate. "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"

Buckley displays sarcasm and condescension.

“There is no instant cure for the race problem in America…The trouble in America where the Negro community is concerned is a complex one”
William F. Buckley

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William F. Buckley debate. "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate. "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"

Buckley references “Beyond the Melting Pot” by Daniel Patrick Moynihan &Nathan Glazer, saying Blacks failed to make certain “exertions” as other minority groups.

“One thing you can do Mr Buckley is LET THEM VOTE IN MISSISSIPPI” - Cambridge University student’s response to William Buckley’s claim that Black progress is regressing.

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: Baldwin/Buckley debate. "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"

“The Negroes’ best chance is in the most mobile society in the world, the United States…But they must not be encouraged to adopt the cynicism & despair urged by Mr. Baldwin”

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"

#OTD Feb 18, 1965: James Baldwin/William F. Buckley debate. "Is The American Dream at the expense of the American Negro?"

Buckley closes by saying all citizens will unite to preserve the American way of life.
544 votes: James Baldwin
164 votes: Willam Buckley

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