Clark Joe Profile picture
Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Feb 21, 2022, 11 tweets

It’s a new week with a new entry to #BatmanvSuperman references to the DC lore. Today is Part 2 in the Knightmare scene. I take a (small) dive into some similarities and differences in this storyline with Justice League from the New 52 in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

The similarities and homages in the Knightmare scene (and in the Snyderverse more broadly) to the New 52 are apparent, especially when we look at the designs of Apokoliptians. For instance, the parademons look very similar in terms of design.

Additionally, the Omega symbol on Earth also looks very similar in design to some Darkseid’s War moment. And we know from #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague that this JL New 52 run is influential for Cyborg, Darkseid’s design, among other things.

Re-reading both JL Origin and Darkseid’s War there are small similarities in story beats with the Snyderverse. Someone tries to invade Earth (Darkseid in JL Origin, Steppenwolf in ZSJL) and the Justice League unites to defend the planet.

Maybe one could consider Superman coming back from death in #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague and from torture in Apokolips in JL Origin similar. And it is essential to end up defending Earth. But that is about it (at least in my opinion) regarding similarities.

And there are too many differences for me to go through, but I wanted to highlight a couple that I think are important. The New 52 is a reboot of DC comics in many ways. And each member of the Justice League seems to be operating on its own in JL Origin.

They come together as each of them discover this potential invasion that stems from some parademons sightings. Even how they meet is somewhat awkward and they all distrust each other to the point of having small fights.

Differently, #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague is not a reboot. It stems organically from what happens in #BatmanvSuperman. Superman’s death inspires Bruce to fight with others to defend Earth from an incoming invasion (as suggested by Lex).

Bruce journey is about his redemption to Superman and to all mankind. Searching for these other metahumans to stand against Steppenwolf and fight. He even ends up inspiring even a very reserved Martian Manhunter.

As a final thought I liked that Snyder and crew homage some designs that they liked from the New 52 without being constrained to adapt that story. Personally, I enjoyed Bruce (and Superman) journey a lot in these movies!

Bonus Track: Two small minor similarities more between Snyderverse and JL Origin in New 52. First, the Motherbox sound in the comic resembles Lex chatter about Darkseid/Steppenwolf. Second, the hangar scene in ZSJL (broadly) looks like a small scene in the comic.

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