Raoul Pal Profile picture
Founder/CEO - https://t.co/WL4VnN8Oal, @RealVision. Trying to figure things out at the nexus of Macro, Web3 & the Exponential Age. Not a guru. #DFTU

Feb 21, 2022, 9 tweets

Just taking the pulse of adoption of digital assets. Google search is always interesting...

Here is Bitcoin (treading water):

Here is ETH (decently strong):

DeFi has remained steady but isn't growing in adoption (by this metric)

NFT's are the new breakaway for network adoption (but split into thousands of projects, making it hard to know where to invest):

And Web 3.0 has suddenly becomes the all-encompassing term for the digital asset space and its applications layer... this trend has just started.

The true consumer applications layer (Web 3.0 and NFT's) are getting the most new interest and is what is really going to scale to the billions but split over millions of projects and areas (music, art, community, real estate, luxury goods, metaverse, etc).

ETH seems to be capturing the L1 element of the applications layer (sort of like the social token of the applications ecosystem).

BTC as the base layer is less likely to see the rise in interest in this point in its adoption curve - more steady increases in adoption over time.

DeFi, considering the TAM of its application, is likely to see much more interest over time. We have only seen the first mini-wave. Wait until TradFi goes on blockchain for some real magic applications.

Social tokens, when they become mainstream, will likely be in the top 2 or 3

For those of you who care about macro too, I think we are getting really really close to a buy bonds, buy tech, buy crypto set up.

More to come... watching closely but likely over next 2 weeks.

Meanwhile, patience....

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