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Voices of VR Podcast host: Insatiably curious, XR oral historian, & aspiring philosopher. Patreon at

Feb 22, 2022, 19 tweets

1/ THREAD to cover some of the highlights of @gatherverse Summit by @vrleader, which is starting now.
4-day event on XR Ethics & humanity-first approach to the Metaverse with over 100 speakers. Free:

Here's the Slides for my talk:…

2/ The @gatherverse is starting off with a panel discussion on "Advancing a Disability-Inclusive Metaverse" featuring @reg_inee @cdpatnoe @pzaragoza and moderated by @BCurtisDavidson:

Glad to see this put at the top of the conference.

3/ I gave one of the opening keynotes at the @gatherverse on "Sensemaking Frameworks for
the #Metaverse & XR Ethics"

It's 90 minutes of content in 26 min.

Here's the YouTube version of my talk:

Here are my slides with citations:…

4/ I pointed out in my @gatherverse talk that the three target VR demographics @Meta have prioritized in their store curation strategy have skewed 2/3 to 3/4 male.

Dedicated Gamer (74% male)
Play-to-Win Gamer (74% male)
Steady Gamer (63% male)…


5/ @vrleader gives a bit of the backstory & intention for creating the @gatherverse Summit, & the desire to cultivate a community interested in XR Ethics:

Free Registration here where the talks are being archived.

6/ Some XR Accessibility #a11y resources from @gatherverse:

Key theme "Design WITH, and not Design for"

@XRAccess & @XRAssociation's GitHub resources:

@reg_inee's Inclusive Design for a Digital World book…

7/ More XR #a11y
A11yVR YouTube…

Demystifying Disability…

XRA Accessibility & Inclusive Design…

W3C XR Accessibility User Req

W3C Immersive Captions Comm Grp…

8/ Great to see the @USDOL Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)'s @TarynsTake talk about "Driving Disability Inclusion in Hybrid Workplaces through an Accessible Metaverse"

She cites Biden's Executive Order on DEIA…

9/ New Inclusive XR & Hybrid Work Toolkit was announced this morning at @gatherverse by ODEP Asst. Sec. @TarynsTake & produced by the @USDOL's Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (@PEATWorks).

More info here:…


10/ @TarynsTake highlighted 3 workstreams for @XRAccess:
* Business Cases for Inclusive XR making hybrid workspaces
* Accessible Development of XR #a11y object model
* XR Inclusive Design building an open source design framework:

11/ Hispanic Leaders' Vision on XR & Web3
Rosario B Casas
Claudia Aparicio Gamundi
Jesse Martinez
Marcelo De Santis
Santiago Alfaro
Toby Eduardo Redshaw

BW limitations in Latin America
Transcending geographic boundaries
Overcoming barriers to entry

12/ @brittanheller's "A Blueprint for Human Rights in the Metaverse" @gatherverse talk is so vitally important that I summarized her 5 points she wishes lawmakers would understand that makes XR so different.

VoVR Interview ICYMI…

13/ I covered @brittanheller's concept of "Biometric Psychography" + #NeuroRights + the types of intimate biometric & physiological data XR will be collecting in the section on "XR Privacy: Context & Rights" in my @gatherverse keynote talk.

Direct Link:

14/ @JoannaPopper gave an update on BREONNA'S GARDEN project she executive produced in collaboration with director @yesladypheOnix.

The iOS AR app:

Their VR app will premiere @sxsw.

Here's my Voices of VR interview from Tribeca:…

15/ Ippolito Imani Caradonna gave a pretty high-level talk about some Medical XR applications & training as well as three pillars of progress as a part of
1.) Perceptual Alignment
2.) Time Immersion
3.) Human-Centered Tech Transfer

16/ @Kathleen_Cohen's @gatherverse talk was a mash-up of associative links on indigenous time, relationality, identity, remote work & disability, fidelity, play, shame, community building, diversity, architecting feelings, interdisciplinary fusion, neurodiversity, & place making.

17/ Rosario Casas' Metaverse Community Convo:
@powersimple on civics, governance, consensus protocols, & self-sovereign identity.
Kevin Vincent impact of culture & human behavior.
John Brooks on rewriting rules + education.
Sonya Seddarasan on people as doorway into the Metaverse

18/ Guiding Light Christian Stiegler's main points:
The Metaverse is a cultural experience & transformational platform just as REM was a cultural experience for him.
Physical & Digital lives are blending.
The nfeed for diversity.
Metaverse is about hope & cultural transformation.

19/ Day 2 of the #GatherverseSummit is now under way.
I'll be time-shifting my coverage, & watching and reporting on today's sessions by the end of the day.

Day 2 of @gatherverse Schedule is here:

Free Registration here:

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