Satya Patel Profile picture
Hospitalist @LosAngelesVA | Anesthesiology Intern APD @UCLAAnes @UCLAHealth | Interested in #MedEd, curricular design, and operationalizing stuff | Views my own

Feb 23, 2022, 11 tweets

1/10 As someone who struggles with test-taking, I made a framework for tackling some common test-taking hurdles. I had the opportunity to go over this with all our @uclaimchiefs housestaff and decided to make it into a 🧵 #MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #FOAMed

2/ Test scores are important because they are what you need to become board-certified. Scores are often conflated with competency - that is quite a fallacy as so many other factors go into competency.

3/ Here is a non-comprehensive set of examples of test-taking hurdles. Let’s go through each of them systematically in a way that resonates with internists - problem listing! FYI, all of these end of overlapping a lot

4/ First we have impaired ⏲️ management. Opening up lab references will split your screen, so you don’t have to read the questions all the way across the monitor (this can help ⬇️ fatigue).

5/ Next up is getting stuck between choices. Finding a trusted individual is really important for your growth in this domain.

6/ Next is ⬇️ stamina. Steadily lengthening the block of practice questions can help.

7/ Finally we have ⬇️ focus, which overlaps greatly with ⬇️ stamina

8/ To mitigate these issues, create lots of SMART goal that are context-dependent (the rigors of your ICU rotations are different than those of your clinic rotations). Consider creating 🗓️ events to schedule time to study/take questions.

9/ Finally, it is worth keeping a log of reflections and learning points as your own reference to peruse at your leisure. Here is an example of my log from when I was studying for my boards.

In summary
✴️Invest time in diagnosing your test-taking issues
✴️Develop a #growthmindset when doing practice questions
✴️Keep a log of questions that helps inform and identify your test-taking issues

Would love to hear what others have to say!

And a big thank you to @rachelpbrookmd for allowing me to be involved in helping residents navigate these issues!

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