Calvin 'Emeka Onwuka Profile picture
Publisher, Documentary Maker, youtube: #NaijaHeroes. @acl_sports. Host: #YourSportsMemo Podcast. Author: #LLandL

Feb 23, 2022, 9 tweets

Still goalless in Abidjan with 81mins played between the @NGSuper_Falcons and their Ivorian opponents.

Match behind closed doors (for some reason). Ivoriens outside the stadium.

Police vehicle in the background. They fired teargas soon after this photo was taken cos the fans got restless and wanted to get in.

89' and the @NGSuper_Falcons score to make it aggregate 3-0 in Abidjan.

Will confirm goalscorer later.

Esther Okoronkwo with the goal.

Into 5' of stoppage time.

Nigerian fans inside the stadium.


Celebrations in Abidjan as the @NGSuper_Falcons qualify for the #AWCON2022 with a 3-nil aggregate win and avenge the Olympic ouster.

The victorious @NGSuper_Falcons ladies on their way back to the dressing room in Abidjan


A Nigerian and @NGSuper_Falcons fan in Abidjan, speaking about the victory today. In Yoruba. He was particular about Ashleigh Plumbtre at the back.

Apparently, they were initially not allowed into the stadium.

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One of the Nigeria Football Supporters Club members in Abidjan. He was at the stadium to watch the @NGSuper_Falcons qualify for #AWCON2022.

He has a few things to say about the game.


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