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Feb 24, 2022, 14 tweets

#BREAKING Russia's Putin announces a 'military operation' in Ukraine

#BREAKING UN chief tells Putin: 'Stop your troops from attacking Ukraine'

#BREAKING Putin calls on Ukraine military to 'lay down its arms'

VIDEO: 'Stop your troops from attacking Ukraine'

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres makes a personal appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop his troops from entering Ukraine at an emergency Security Council meeting

#BREAKING Putin vows retaliation against those who interfere with Russian Ukraine operation

#BREAKING Biden condemns 'unprovoked and unjustified attack' by Russia against Ukraine - warns of 'catastrophic loss of life and human suffering'

#BREAKING Explosion heard in Kyiv: @AFP

#UPDATE Russian President Vladimir Putin announces military operation in Ukraine to defend separatists in the east of the country, and "demilitarise and de-nazify" its pro-Western neighbour.

He denounced what he called a "genocide" orchestrated by Ukraine and NATO aggression

#BREAKING Explosions heard in Mariupol, eastern Ukraine: AFP

#UPDATE US President Biden says "world will hold Russia accountable" over its attack on Ukraine that he warns will cause "catastrophic loss of life".

Biden says will address US public Thursday to outline "consequences" for Russia, calling the attack "unprovoked and unjustified"

#BREAKING Powerful explosions heard on east Ukraine front: @AFP

#UPDATE Explosions heard in Ukraine's capital Kyiv and the eastern port city of Mariupol, shortly after Russia announced an operation to "demilitarise" the country.

AFP correspondents in both cities heard powerful blasts and in Mariupol residents report hearing artillery fire

#BREAKING Explosions in Ukraine's Black Sea port Odessa: AFP

VIDEO: Ukraine urges UN 'to do everything possible to stop the war' at the second emergency Security Council session

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