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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Feb 24, 2022, 9 tweets

#SeditionHunters and journalists: as Russia launches its attack on Ukraine we will hear - are hearing - U.S. public figures praising Putin. The same who also pushed the Jan 6 attack. Realize: the PR groundwork for today was laid over years. Here is Jack Posobiec last month. 1/

Posobiec, chief propagandist for the alt-right, is so obvious he's a guide to whatever op is current: election fraud, racial division, trucker convoys, war. Candace Owens is almost as reliable. Both ex-actors, 'platformed' in 2016-2017. Here's Candace & Jack last month. 2/

Last month was the signal to panic: Posobiec temporarily changed his Twitter name to "Jacek" in January and started posting about Ukrainian territorial integrity. He's a barometer for disinfo, a pure tool. But he represents many, not just 'influencers' but also politicians. 3/

As explosions rock Ukraine it is not the time for a big thread. Just let's not be surprised when many of our newscasters, our politicians, stand up for Russia now instead of for the US. The rot in America started early (see link) & was spread by design. 4/…

The 'VIP timeline' was made to trace the back-stories of the public figures who brought crowds to the Capitol on Jan 6. As an exercise, I also counted mentions of any foreign country. No surprise, but it helps to understand our long national nightmare. 5/…

Right now Ukraine's national nightmare is worse than ours is. They are where our thoughts should be, but may we find a way out of it, somehow, together. 6/

In an article about Posobiec's OAN Network in June 2020, former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul raised an alarm about the level of foreign disinfo in the US: “There’s never been a moment like this in American history..." 7/…

To put McFaul's quote about disinfo in context: June 2020 was just before the start of the crowd-gathering efforts & series of rallies that culminated in the Jan 6 Capitol attack. Posobiec watched it from OAN's rented rooftop, then strolled the Capitol grounds "reporting". 8/

McFaul has advice for our current moment too: "There is a time and place for hearing two sides of an issue. This tragic moment in European history is not one of them. Do not give false equivalency to voices of evil and voices of good." 9/

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