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Journalist - NUJ Accredited | Husband | Father | Muslim | ♿ Disabled | #OSINT | RT/Like not an endorsement | DM to use my work

Feb 25, 2022, 8 tweets

BREAKING - Huge explosion seen in Kiev approximately 10 minutes ago.

The last picture would seem to possibly indicate multiple projectiles.


2/ It appears the big explosion seen in Kyiv was the result of the successful interception of a Russian missile by Ukrainian air defences.

3/ Whatever was successfully intercepted over Kyiv a short time ago, (unknown if it was a plane or ballistic missile), has fallen onto the city causing significant damage and fire.


More footage of the successful Ukrainian Air Defence intercept over Kyiv.

It is not currently known what was intercepted.


A part of whatever was intercepted shown by a Kyiv firefighter.

Shortly before Ukrainian Air Defences intercepted something over Kyiv, what sounds like a plane can be heard flying over the city.

The intercepts immediate aftermath is also shown in this clip.

Some if the object intercepted over Kyiv fell onto a residential building causing significant damage.

Kyiv Firefighters ate on scene.

Location of building in the city for reference below.

BREAKING - CNN now reporting thay the explosion in the skies over Kyiv, was in fact a Ukraine Air Force Su27 that was intercepted by Russian Surface To Air missiles.

If Russia are able to control the skies over Kyiv, things are not good.


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